Empower Goals with a Vision Board

We are hearing more everyday about the power of the human mind. I have devoted the last months to do a research on the neuroscience of motivation and its role in the achievement of goals. The subject is vast and deep but I’d like to focus today on the power of the vision board. Neuroscience research shows that motivation is driven by the anticipation of future rewards and creating a vision board will certainly help us anticipate success.

Before proceeding, let me share a brief description of the vision board for those who are new to this concept.

Essentially, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words that illustrates the life you want to live.

I am not explaining a step by step process to create your vision board per se, but describing in a few words how vision boards can help you change your mindset and keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

  • A vision board enhances your ability to create and to hold a consistent visual image of your desired goals in your mental screen
  • It is not only a reminder of your destination but also a tool to track your accomplishments
  • The process of creation of the vision board gives you the opportunity to infuse your projects with the passion that only you can add to make your dream a reality
  • It helps you stay focused, motivated and committed
  • You will experience yourself as if you were already the person you want to become or had that what you are wanting to obtain.  This gives you a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth
  • It increases your ability to close the gap between the possible and the reality
    With that being said, I’m leaving here a few tips to help you kick start or take your success a step further.
  1. Connect to your intuition to determine and prioritize your goals
  2. Make a vision board that encompasses some or all areas of your life: love, career, relationships, health & fitness, friends & family, finances, creativity, personal growth and travel and fun, or create one for a specific area or goal (a new home, a change of career, etc)
  3. You may also choose to create a board for one single area, or goal (Weight loss, love, new job/career, etc)
  4. Charge your board with your best energy. Make the process fun and exciting!
  5. Use the most appealing pictures and words that best represent both, your personality and big dreams
  6. Illustrate also emotions and states of mind (patience, strength, etc)
  7. Place your board on a place where you see it often and practice experiencing the feelings of having it all, now!

If you find this information valuable, join “The Thriving Tribe” facebook group to receive additional support!

Liliam Llanos has worked as a healer and certified life coach for over 15 years. She brings together mindfulness techniques and brain research-based tools to show her clients how to overcome trauma, increase their self-esteem, and create greater balance, growth, and a meaningful life.  As a neurocoach, Lilian is also committed to bringing awareness and integration of science-based strategies to the healing community. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Article Source: Expert Writer Lilian Llanos, NeuroWisdom 101

Visualization or The Art or Mental Rehearsal

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
~ Albert Einstein

We know for a fact that our nervous system doesn’t distinguish between a real experience and one imagined and that wee feel and act according to what we believe to be true about ourselves.

When we do mental rehearsal, the Success Activating Mechanism, also called Reticular Activating System takes over automatically and does the job. It finds the information, the answers to your questions, the solutions to the problems and obstacles that present during your course of action, and the best way to get to your destination. You may find out that the results are better than what you obtain when you use only your conscious mind and thoughts to achieve your goals. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have to take any action to finish your mission but that you won’t need to go through the mental struggle of consciously matching up your desires with the mental image of yourself.

So, once you have established the goals you want to reach and have prioritized them, choose one or two to start with the process of visualization, also called creative imagination.


  • Choose a quiet and relaxing space
  • Give yourself at least 30 minutes to perform your rehearsal
  • Make sure you won’t be disturbed
  • Read the entire process carefully before starting to implement it

The Process

Sit comfortably.

For a few minutes, focus your attention in your breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Feel the warm air filling up your lungs and reaching every organ, every muscle to take you to a state of total relaxation.

The key to this exercise is to create an image that is as vivid and as detailed as possible. Pay attention to the smallest details, the temperature of the room, the type of clothes you are wearing and the feel of them on your skin, the people you interact with and their appearance, every sound in the surroundings.

Hold a perfect image of yourself being, feeling and behaving like the successful person you want to become. Give up any judgmental thoughts. It doesn’t matter who you where and what you did in the past. Believe this is who you are today, not who you are going to be in the future.

How do you dress as this new you?

Where do you go?

Where do you live?

Who are your acquaintances?

How much money do you make?

How happy and fulfilled you are?

What do you do with your family? What do you do for fun? This is the perfect moment and place to expand your horizons and get to the top.

Avoid trying to figure out how you are going to get there. Just have the certainty that you are already that person with all the attributes necessary to achieve all you desire. Know that even if you fall asleep during the process, this information is still reaching your subconscious mind and that as you awaken or finish this process you will remember with clarity the image of your true and successful self. Write in your journal the insights and detailed information you visualized and establish a plan of action that will take you closer to your goal.

Tips to Write a Powerful Rehearsal Script

If you have difficulty visualizing your mental movie, write and record a detailed script to play during the mental rehearsal. So, in this movie you will be both, the narrator and the star, which has the added benefit of activating the auditory sense for a more powerful session.

  • Narrate the story in the present tense. For example, “I am a well known published author and public speaker” instead of, “I want to be a well-known published author and public speaker.”
  • Be specific. “I make $ 300.000 a year” instead of, “I want to make more money.”
  • Do not limit the story to a mere description. Infuse it with feelings and emotions. Think of the following questions, how do you feel? How do you act? How do you project yourself? How do you influence people? What are the strongest emotions (joy, happiness, love, pride, awe, inner peace, abundant, confidence, empowerment)?

Please, add this exercise to your daily routine to speed up your success achieving process and post your comments and/or questions down here or on my facebook page. I’ll respond to you in a quickly manner.

From “The Sky is the Limit” to “Wishes Fulfilled”

“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind—that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”

I have been always an avid fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer. I was a teenager when I read “The Sky is the Limit,” and since then it’s been my desire to read it again.  I still remember the feelings of joy, excitement, fascination, and happiness I had while I devoured those pages; and the unlimited possibilities ahead of me that seemed so alluring.
“The Sky is the Limit” became my motto, my mantra. A few years down the road, life happened to me, and I found myself heading in the opposite direction, sinking in a sea of despair, distress, and fear.

It took me over 15 years to go back to that place of believing in myself as a limitless, divine being. I wait now with excited anticipation the release of his latest inspirational masterpiece titled, “Wishes Fulfilled.” I am in love with the synchronicity. For a few years now, I have set my mind and heart into deciphering the mysteries of the manifesting process, and I suspect this book will reveal some of them.

One of the biggest breakthroughs in psychology in the  20th century addressed in this book states that there is a direct correlation between your self-image and the results you are creating.

In other words, if you consider yourself to be a failure, your chances of attaining success in your life are diminished considerably. So, if you are wondering why your long journey of affirmations, visualizations, the law of attraction programs, and everything in between hasn’t borne any fruits yet, your self-image is the culprit.

Can you transform a two-story building into a skyscraper without altering its foundation? The answer is no.

The same concept applies to your life. You can’t transform your life from scarcity to abundance, from despair to happiness, from failure to success, from emptiness to fulfillment without working on changing your self-image. You can’t outgrow your self-image since your feelings, actions, and behavior, are consistent with the mental picture you hold of yourself.

The good news is, there are several ways to transform your life. You can do it from the bottom up or the inside out. You are the creator of your destiny.

Inspired by the analogy of the building, I researched on the Malaysian construction project of the Petronas Twin Towers, certified as the world’s tallest buildings in 1996. To my amazement, the first resource I looked into was an article called, “Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest building in the world. From vision to reality.” I can only say, what a synchronicity! Going from vision to reality in your life is the process I want to illustrate. So, here we go!


Preparing the foundation for the Petronas Twin Tower was a challenge. Once the process began, they encountered problems with the soil. It was not suitable for the project, and it was necessary to make some adjustments including a five-story excavation. Once we start the journey, we will find the need to make some adjustments before we can proceed.

Surely, we’ll have to dig deep into our mind and soul to weed out or remove what no longer serves our purpose, to lay a solid and stable foundation (self-image.) It may not be a very pleasant task. It may be even painful and to some extent, debilitating, but it will determine how far and how high you’ll be able to go in your life. Very helpful since we are shooting at least for the sky. Aren’t we?