If You Are Not Growing, You Are Dying!

We are welcoming a new wonderful month and I’m wondering, are you happy with your achievements, or are you stuck, getting the same old results?

What’s preventing you from expressing your greatness?

Why are you still spinning your wheels?

Is it fear of being rejected, or fear of feeling not good enough? What is your major fear? 

It is not necessary that you identify where your fear is coming from, but it is important that you decide to face and overcome the demons that keep you in a state of frustration and stagnation because what keeps you repeating the same old pattern is the fear of knowing more about your reality — and having to act on what you discover.

Once you become aware of the truth of the matter — you have a few choices to make: keep doing what you have been doing (hiding, hibernating), or do what you’ve never done before to have what you’ve never had before (changing). I know from my experience how scary and painful change can be, but remember those times when you have avoided change out of fear. Once you dared to move from thought to action how much easier the latter ended up being!

Accepting the need to make changes usually means that you’ll be required to take action to change an outcome. Are you satisfied with the outcomes in your life? If not, are you ready to take action and create a new outcome?

I can help YOU move forward and create the type of results you long for. Call me to book your free “Move Forward Now” Session or request it here!

As in Flying, Business Can Be a Bumpy Ride

I know you’ve heard me talking non-stop about my amazing intensive business training I’m heading to with my mentor, Suzanne Evans. Well, the time has come and I am now flying to Arizona to catch my connecting flight to Charlotte, NC.

While the captain announced a short delay due to mechanical difficulties, I took the opportunity to read through the airline magazine. An article called “Embark” really caught my attention. It addressed the topic of turbulence, defined as, “the irregular, seemingly arbitrary movement of the air that a plane flies trough, caused by a variety of elements – wind blowing across hills, mountains or canyons: the boundaries between the relatively still air and the rapidly moving jet stream at high altitudes: and the updrafts and downdrafts that occur in ad near storms.

Pilots and flight dispatchers go to great lengths both before and during the flight to avoid turbulence. They are provided with some of the most modern tools to avoid areas of unstable air. While these prediction systems continue to advance every day, turbulence can occur on any flight.”

I thought this is a perfect analogy to illustrate the experiences we encounter on our road to success. We all hope for a smoothly ride but the truth of the matter is, that as in flying, no one can prevent turbulence even if we set our intention to avoid the areas of rough air. When you hit a rough patch (and you will,) you need to adapt and adjust “on the fly” so to speak.

Captain Bob Skinner also explained in the article, “In flight atmospheric disturbances can cause wings to move slightly. However, the wings are designed to move like this to increase longevity of the airplane.” So, increase your tolerance to the blow of the wind  and don’t let yourself to take too hard the bumps in life and business.

So, the next time you find yourself being pushed through turbulence, I want you to consider the possibility of slowing down and altering your course of action (being flexible and go with the flow) as necessary, instead of creating more resistance trying to follow blindly the route you set yourself to pursue in the first place.

If you have a chance today I’d like you to look back for a minute and reflect on those rough patches that you have already managed to overcome successfully and identify a time when your outcome over exceeded your expectations due to your ability “to bend your wings through the storms.”

Well, it’s time to board again but I want to suggest some tips to help you smooth the way to your success.

  1. Learn from one of many who’s done the walk before you. Working with a successful coach is a smart way to avoid unnecessary bumps and turns. They have already gone through the stages of trial and error and can provide you with effective and proven tools to ease out your ride. You can find all types of coaches according to your needs or area you are looking to develop, life, business, spiritual, career, health, etc.
  2. Team up. Do you remember that proverb that says that “two heads are better than one?” Join or create a local or online community or mastermind group that offers the opportunity to share ideas, thoughts, information, feedback and resources. You’ll be exposed to different perspectives and approaches to keep moving forward to your destination.
  3. Listen to your gut. You are a unique person, walking a unique path, creating a unique business. You may walk in the footsteps of others but you are called to make your own imprint in the world. Use the information you get from the sources above to create your own route.  Trust your intuition, your internal guidance system to determine your speed, your destination and the stops in between; to self correct your course and to allow your wings to bend with the wind.

“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”  Bruce Lee

I Quit!

Just a couple of months ago I made one of the most important decisions in my life and quit my imaginary business to become a true business owner.

You know, moving from hobby owner to business owner hasn’t been the easiest road but the most valuable experience I’ve had lately.

I never imagined how my life would be affected once I made the decision to follow my passion. Yes, that was all it took to turn my life and business around, a decision!

It was not lack of money what was holding me back. It was not lack of time either, or skills or support. You see, if these all were necessary I wouldn’t be talking about my new business now because I would have plenty of reasons to not even think about building a business. In fact, I could say that my circumstances now have been the least favorable for a business transition. Just to mention a couple, during the last year, my personal income was reduced by at least an 80% due first to complications with my pregnancy and then the premature delivery of my youngest son. In January, an awful accident reduced my income again for a few weeks.

Before, just a single one of these circumstances, had been a good excuse for me to quit, keep playing safe and small, or to avoid investing in training or at least to justify my failures but instead, I chose to stick to my plan of doing all what it took to succeed. I chose to do all that I’ve never done, to have what I’ve never had, to  invest a considerable amount of money to hire a business coach. I chose to see abundance instead of lack and the money kept flowing from unexpected sources until I could finally double my income just a month after I started working with my coach.

It has been hard to recreate my business but has it been worth it? Sure, it has!

I am having the time of my life, loving what I do and making every minute worth living. For the first time I don’t feel that I am a victim of my circumstances but instead the co-creator of my opportunities. By pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I’ve gotten to discover my unlimited potential and reached new heights in my career.

I want to invite you now to do the same, to let go of the self-imposed limitations that are holding you back and take new risks in your business and in your life. Make a decision today. Decide to do all you’ve never done, to have all you’ve never had and live life to the fullest!

I can help you overcome your money blocks, fear and overwhelm that are sabotaging your progress. Follow this link now to book your complimentary Discovery Session to help you Magnify Your Purpose and Your Profit Now!

Ignite the Fire of Creation Within: Vision board 101

We are hearing more everyday about the power of the human mind. I have devoted the last months to do a research on the power of the mind and our intrinsic abilities to manifest all that we desire. The subject is vast and deep but I’d like to focus today on the power of the vision board. Before explaining how this powerful tool contributes to the manifestation process, here is a brief description of the vision board for those who are new to this concept.

Essentially, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words that illustrate the life you want to live.

I am not explaining a step by step process to create your vision board per se, but describing in a few words how it can help you change your mindset.

  • A vision board enhances your ability to create and to hold a consistent visual image of your desired goals in your mental screen
  • It is not only a reminder of your destination but also a tool to track your accomplishments.
  • The process of creation of the vision board gives you the opportunity to infuse your projects with the passion that only you can add to make your dream a reality.
  • It helps you stay focus, motivated and committed
  • You will experience yourself as if you were already the person you want to become or had that what you are wanting to obtain, giving you a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth
  • As the energy gap between the possible and the reality diminishes you become a powerful magnet to success

With this being said, I’m leaving here a few tips to help you kick start or take your success a step further.

  1. Connect to your soul to determine and prioritize your goals
  2. Make a vision board that encompasses some or all areas of your life: love, career, relationships, health & fitness, friends & family, finances, creativity, personal growth and travel and fun, or create one for a specific area or goal (a new home, a change of career, etc)
  3. Charge your board with your best energy. Make the process fun and exciting
  4. Use the most appealing pictures and words that best represent both, your personality and big dreams
  5. Choose the pictures that speak to you
  6. Illustrate also emotions and states of mind (patience, strength, etc)
  7. Place your board on a place where you see it often and practice experiencing the feelings of having it all now

If you like this post and would like to learn other powerful tips based on Eastern teachings, please,  come to my next class,

Ignite the Fire of Creation: Vision Board 101. 

Crystal Cocoon Center for the Healing Arts
5582 S 1750 E
 Ogden,  Utah  84403

$ 11.00  sign up with a friend before March 17, 2012
$ 22.00 pre-resgistering before or on March 24, 2012
$ 33.00 at the Door

Date: TBA
Time: 6 pm

Imagine your Dream, Live your Purpose, Create your Happiness!

Living Fearlessly

I’ve been reminded again that life is too short to play it small, to dream shyly, and while I meditate on this, I’ve come to realize how many times I’ve been thrown to revisit and relearn this lesson. So,I’ve decided that I’m no longer waiting for the perfect conditions to act on my dreams.  If I’m to die I want to die trying.
There is always a chance to err, to fail but if I don’t try I’ve already failed. I give myself the chance to thrive today because this moment is my only reality. Tomorrow may come, or not. Today is The day, the day in which to live, laugh and be fulfilled. I only have this life, this time and space to live and I’m determined to live it BIG and I invite YOU, wherever you are and whatever your circumstances to do the same.
There is always more in life to celebrate than to regret, I live, I love, I’m loved, I breathe, I see, I hear, I believe! (How much more can you add?)
You have the power to change your life, to overcome your circumstances, to re-create your reality and start loving life and living fearless.
ALLOW yourself to Dream, Live, laugh, Forgive, Love and Thrive but do it NOW and do it BIG, because this may be the only moment you and I have to do so.