Are You Fulfilling Your Mission?

Do you remember your first kiss? Your first love? Your first Reiki Class?

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a room with a group of Reiki Practitioners planning our first Reiki Clinic. I loved the energy in the room. I could feel every one’s excitement and desire to serve. It was just so contagious!

When we first started we took turns to introduce ourselves and to talk about our Reiki journey. It was very touching when one of my recently attuned Reiki I students mentioned with such a strong passion and a the brigthest light on his eyes, “I’ve been a Reiki I practitioner for 14 days.” That statement took me in a flash to my first Reiki class experience. I remembered the feeling of fulfillment and purpose very deep in my heart, the peace and love that motivated me to share the gift of Reiki with my loved ones, friends and everyone willing to hear me talking about the wonders of Reiki.

I knew right there that part of my mission on this earth was to spread the word of Reiki even though I didn’t have any idea about how this would happen. I want to ask you now again…do you remember your first Reiki class and attunement? Did you feel Reiki was part of your true purpose or that it could lead you to get in touch to that divine mission we all have? If so, are you fulfilling your mission? Are you magnifying your purpose?

You know, there was a time when I neglected my role as a Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher. I thought I was too busy or that It wasn’t worth to invest all that time on helping others to find balance in their lives. I thought I could get away with that until I realized that once you reconnect with your true purpose there is no turn around. You may keep going on trying to quiet that voice that keeps calling you to go back to your mission. Well, it was not that easy even though I managed to make up all kind of excuses. I don’t have time! I’m not that good anyway and they can always find another practitioner! I need to dedicate my life to my newborn and family! Does it sound familiar?

I thought I could be complete without fulfilling this part of my mission but that “small voice” just got louder and louder until I finally listened. Since then, I’ve been able to recreate again that feeling of wholeness and purpose I first had with my first attunement. I’ve seen so many life changing experiences all through the gift of Reiki but even more because of my willingness to magnify my purpose.

I invite you today to allow your mind and heart to go back to that moment when you decided to start your Reiki training. What did motivate you?
How did affect your life and the lives of those who surrounded you?
Would you like to experience the same feelings when you are at service?
Would you like to keep yourself open to be a channel of the Universal Reiki Light and Energy?

I hope you want to do that or more and I hope that you are willing to help the Reiki community grow in our area and in the world. This is a perfect time to join this group. Reiki is not only growing in Utah but all over the country. More people are sharing their experiences of healing and the demand for Reiki practitioners has skyrocketed during the last years but there is still more sharing and teaching we must do to reach more souls. Are you ready to embrace Reiki again in your life? Are you willing to reconnect to your soul purpose? Are you open to becoming a vessel of the Universal Reiki Light Energy?

If your answer is yes…I can help you do just that through the Monthly Reiki Share held the third Monday of the month. If you feel called to participate, please call me at the number below!

Your family needs the gift of Reiki. Your community and the world needs you. There are “special people” waiting just for your “special” Reiki light and love.

It is your time to shine and allow others to do the same. The decision is yours!



Lilian Llanos

Reiki Master Teacher

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