Your Journey Begins Today!


Are you emotionally exhausted, both, longing and dreading to live your purpose?

Remember the time when you felt empowered, motivated and confident knowing that you could accomplish anything you’ve ever wanted!

If you want to get rid of all fear, and live fully, then be, act and live for the fun of it. Leave behind the fear of failure and rejection, and start taking action to stop the cycle.

You want to serve 

You feel the fear

You’re paralyzed by it

Inaction brings up guilt

and, depression creeps up

you blame yourself because of what you should be doing

and you’re even afraid to ask for any HELP!!!

You can choose to ask yourself these questions instead,

What would it happen if I mess up? Could I correct the course?

What would be the worst that could happen if I fail? Could I try again?

Have I done it before?

Who am I helping by avoiding the fulfillment of my mission?

How could I ever know if I really can, If I don’t even try?

Am I here to shrink and let life pass by, or to grow and advance?


You are here to learn, to grow and to experience joy, every step of the way.

There is no reason, or room for shame, blame, or doubt, because it is your right and duty to live a life that resembles your Divine Essence.

Your Journey Begins Today!

Believe in Your Ability to Create Your Own Reality and Abundance!

“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”

Albert Einstein


This is such a great story! As soon as I read it, this quote by Albert Einstein popped in my mind. Anji’s experience validates this powerful principle and I thought to share it with you.

When I spoke last with Anji, I had a crystal clear insight into exactly what she needed to do to turn her financial situation around. Since then, I’ve received several texts from Anji, sharing her day to day success. The money miracles keep manifesting non-stop for Anji! But read what happened…

I have known Lilian for several years as a holistic practitioner but what always stands out, is her warm, loving, very accepting nature. Her energy is warm and safe. She appears in my life when I have needed some profound healing.

But I must say, the latest conversation I had with her was Life changing.  She is now a life coach and doing her Magnify your Purpose business.  I kept being prompted inside to get more information from her.  So I text her one day and she told we could get together and talk. I met with her at a coffee shoppe.  She said many positive and truthful statements to me. The one that rang in my ears was “Sometimes you have to do something you have never done before, to get something you have never had before. It was such a lightening bolt of clarity in my mind. I left there thinking about it constantly for days, it was as if it had created a new pathway in my brain and clicked the “on button” on. It was the conviction in her voice, her belief that what she was telling me was truth and she was already living it.

I began to realize how limited my thinking had been, especially about my financial situation.  I have been doing the exact same routine with money all my life and guess what?  I have been getting the same results over and over again. I felt a burning inside that I had not felt in years, I immediately updated my vision board, this time it was the most different board I had ever created. Usually, I carefully cut out the pieces and make the board look like an art piece.  Not this time. I ripped the pages out of magazines and newspapers, I rapidly glue them on the board. I was amazed at when it was done how it was extremely different than any board I had ever created. Part of me said oh it looks so messy and thrown together! But I just told myself “sometimes you gotta do something you have never done before, to get something you have never had before.”  It has become my mantra these last three weeks or so.

My life has changed by leaps and bounds. I am seeing manifestation of abundance everywhere I go and everything I touch. Let me tell you just a couple.

I walked out of my job I have had the last two years, last Monday and was fired. I have never had that happened before and since that day the abundance has been rolling in. ( I did something I had never done before to get something I never had before).  My ex husband was going to stop paying child support on my daughter because she turned 18, I got a text that he decided he was going to continue the support, no explanation just that he was going to continue doing it.  I started belly dance class, I went to two classes my teacher sent me a note on facebook saying, “I don’t want you to ever pay for classes this is my gift to you.”

I believe in my ability to create my own reality and abundance!

Lilian’s knowledge of how to magnify your purpose is outstanding. I know she will continue to help others grow and change their own limiting belief systems.  And, I am forever grateful for her taking the time to share what she is doing in her own life with me. When I walked out of my job I had no fear I knew I was leaving and old limiting place and walking into a whole new world. I  thank Lilian for her courage to follow and magnify her own purpose so she can help others magnify their purpose.

I feel like I left so much out, I could write a book just on since the first time you gave me reiki years ago and the treatment at the cocoon and the meeting in the coffee shoppe. I thank you with all my heart and send you all the love that I possess. I am once again ready to do God’s work. thank you for all your help.

Love Light and Laughter,

Anji Udy


Please, share your own story below. Tell us what you could do differently today that could bear a positive outcome in your life.

I Quit!

Just a couple of months ago I made one of the most important decisions in my life and quit my imaginary business to become a true business owner.

You know, moving from hobby owner to business owner hasn’t been the easiest road but the most valuable experience I’ve had lately.

I never imagined how my life would be affected once I made the decision to follow my passion. Yes, that was all it took to turn my life and business around, a decision!

It was not lack of money what was holding me back. It was not lack of time either, or skills or support. You see, if these all were necessary I wouldn’t be talking about my new business now because I would have plenty of reasons to not even think about building a business. In fact, I could say that my circumstances now have been the least favorable for a business transition. Just to mention a couple, during the last year, my personal income was reduced by at least an 80% due first to complications with my pregnancy and then the premature delivery of my youngest son. In January, an awful accident reduced my income again for a few weeks.

Before, just a single one of these circumstances, had been a good excuse for me to quit, keep playing safe and small, or to avoid investing in training or at least to justify my failures but instead, I chose to stick to my plan of doing all what it took to succeed. I chose to do all that I’ve never done, to have what I’ve never had, to  invest a considerable amount of money to hire a business coach. I chose to see abundance instead of lack and the money kept flowing from unexpected sources until I could finally double my income just a month after I started working with my coach.

It has been hard to recreate my business but has it been worth it? Sure, it has!

I am having the time of my life, loving what I do and making every minute worth living. For the first time I don’t feel that I am a victim of my circumstances but instead the co-creator of my opportunities. By pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I’ve gotten to discover my unlimited potential and reached new heights in my career.

I want to invite you now to do the same, to let go of the self-imposed limitations that are holding you back and take new risks in your business and in your life. Make a decision today. Decide to do all you’ve never done, to have all you’ve never had and live life to the fullest!

I can help you overcome your money blocks, fear and overwhelm that are sabotaging your progress. Follow this link now to book your complimentary Discovery Session to help you Magnify Your Purpose and Your Profit Now!