Are You Being True To Yourself?

I’ve been asking myself this question every single day for the last weeks. It is so easy to get caught up pleasing others, and as a consequence, losing sight of your own vision, values and goals.

As I’ve focused on staying true to myself, I noticed that in the past, I allowed the fear of rejection to influence my decisions regarding my career. I felt that I needed to please everyone in order to attract more people to my practice and to succeed.

Little by little, I found myself drifting away  from my true, soul purpose and original vision of my life. Luckily, I’ve been able to correct my course and reconnect to what brings meaning to my life.

And this is the main reason I am writing this message now. As the end of the year approaches, I’ve been reflecting on my ideal life vision for the New Year and as I looked back to my work, I could see how I’ve been pulled to different directions which has made me lose sight of my destination.

I feel I owe you both, my apologies and gratitude. Apologies, for having taken you to a destination different than the one I probably promised to take you to, when we first started working together, and immense gratitude for staying with me while I sailed into unknown waters. Despite of the distractions I dealt with, this has been a year of amazing breakthroughs and achievement,s and I want to acknowledge the fact that I could have not done as much without your support. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Well, that being said, as I get clearer about my vision and goals, I’d like to introduce myself to you again, so you have also a clear understanding of my offerings and what you can expect from my work and message.

I know that you are busy and your time is limited. So, Ill try to be as brief as possible on my efforts to let you know more in depth about who Lilian is, what does she stand for, and how she can help you in your journey.

Also, if my message no longer resonates with you, please feel free to unsuscribe from this newsletter. No hard feelings!

My mission is to help you reconnect and align to your true, soul purpose. This expression is usually associated with a job or career. I’ve come to realize that the ultimate soul purpose of men is, to recreate a relationship with the all-loving God within, and honor our divine nature and unity with the Creator. Once we acknowledge and align to this truth we’ll get a clear vision of our ideal life from a divine perspective where all areas of life are in focus, and all is possible. I call it, Life at Infinity (more about it in the next newsletter.)

I believe that,

  • we were created to experience Love, Joy and Fulfillment
  • there is only Love
  • Love is the beginning and end of all things
  • we are Whole and Perfect at all times, Now and Here
  • we gain a true sense of ourselves as Perfect Beings through the energy of Love
  • we are not only One with God, but, we are also One with God’s creation
  • all we need to thrive is already here
            I can help you…
  •  reclaim your divinity
  • get a clear vision of your life
  • create a plan to align your life to your soul’s purpose
  • overcome the illusion of imperfection and limitation which causes self-sabotage
  • unlock your full potential
  • make money doing what you love
  • make a difference in the world
  • tap into your innate, intuitive abilities and connect with the angelic realm and higher self for personal guidance
  • create your Life at Infinity (your life manifested from a divine perspective)
  • manifest joy, love, abundance and fulfillment in your life
            Newsletter topics
  • Unconditional Love
  • Oneness
  • Purpose
  • Mindset
  • Abundance
  • Inner wisdom
  • Intuitive guidance
  • Communicating with the angelic realm
  • Reiki Classes and Workshops
I’m looking forward to sharing more of my journey with you to empower you and to motivate you to pursue your Life at Infinity. In the meantime, I want to encourage you to ask yourself, Am I being true to myself? Am I clear about my destination? Does my life have meaning?
If you are ready to self-correct your course, please, request a free Soul-discovery Session to start creating your Life at Infinity. But, do it now, I only have a limited number of sessions available!
Love and Light,




Be Kind to Yourself!

Today, be kind to yourself. Forgive your mistakes and weaknesses and embrace your own divinity and unity with God…

How can you embrace your divine nature?

Trusting God and trusting yourself. Coming to the sacred space within to access your higher wisdom.

Being always loving and forgiving.

Acknowledging that we are one with God and one with one another. If we are all one, aren’t we that other with the same flaws, yet perfect? The world teaches us to be tolerant. Tolerance is a step below love, it implies resistance or a sense of separateness. Instead of being tolerant, strive to be loving and forgiving.

Reach for the best accordingly to your divine nature!