3 Easy Steps to Creating a Personal Mantra

By Guest Writer, Shaylee Ford

What is a mantra?

The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: “man”, which means mind, and “tra”, which means transport or vehicle. A personal mantra can be thought of as a seed for energizing an intention. Getting to the ancient root of it all, mantra, at its core is the basis of all religious traditions, scriptures, and prayers. Today, a mantra is better understood as a repetitive thought to aid in the creation of experience, or to induce deep meditative states. Below are 3 easy steps to create a personal mantra and use it in everyday life.

  1. Decide What it is You Want
    As a mother with young children, it can be challenging at times to find a quiet minute to settle my thoughts and clear my mind, and I am sure even if you don’t have kids you can relate to this. Consciously make an effort without setting an expectation, to sit quietly, clear the mind or meditate and ask yourself: “what do I truly want?”. As the thoughts come you write them down. These things can range from money, a relationship, love, happiness and the list goes on.
    Example: “I want more money.”
  2. Create a Mindful Statement
    When creating a mindful statement or personal mantra, keep in mind that the universe is a genie and the genie always says, “Your wish is my command!”. If we are looking at the statemen “I want more money.”, Genie: “your wish is my command!”. Now you have created the ugly circle of “I want more money.”, which will leave you always wanting more money.
  3. There are two secrets to creating a mindful statement. The first one is the subject of what you want, if you want more money then let money be the subject. Stay away from things likeCreate a Personal Mantra, “I want to be out of debt.”, debt being the subject will only bring you more debt. The second secret is live your statement as if you already have it. For example, the words I AM or I HAVE put you in the place of already being or having what you desire.
    Example: “I am abundant always.”
    “I have abundance always.”
  4. Start Creating!
    In some cultures, it is said that you must sit and meditate for hours, or be alone in nature for an extended period while reciting your personal mantra for it to manifest. This is purely a belief system and like any other belief system it is only true if you chose to believe in it. Putting a personal mantra into action is very simple and very flexible according to what works best for you. You can incorporate your mantra into your thought processes, journaling or even speaking whenever you want to. You may start your day with meditation and reflecting on gratitude, you may recite the words in your mind while you are in the car, or my personal favorite, while I am doing mindless work at my job. Another trigger is replacing any negative thought counterproductive to what it is you wish to create with your safe, productive mantra! In time, you will find that becoming aware of our auto-pilot thoughts that are literally creating your reality will begin to change!

Mantras can be used to change or recreate anything in your life. With a little bit of dedication to self-awareness you can have exactly the life you have always wanted. Remember to reflect daily on the things in your life that truly serve your highest good and pay no mind to the do not. Life is full of experiences, be mindful of the ones you choose!

Spirit is whispering. Are you listening?

Spirit is whispering. It does it always!

There is so much power in the silence, and still we are sometimes so afraid to experience it fully.

I have always cherished the solitude and the wisdom you can tap into as you quiet your mind, or at least lower the intensity of your mental chatter.

Are you taking time daily to tune into the sounds of the silence, and commune with your Higher Power and inner wisdom?

I do need this reminder so often. It is so easy to get caught up on the rush of life, and to forget our way back to that sacred place where we can truly embrace our own magnificence, and replenish and renew our spirits. I am delighted when I can remember where this sacred place is. Not a physical or tangible place, but one that you can create wherever you go because it flourishes from the depths of your heart and soul, and through a sincere intent and desire.


Spirit’s whispering, and all you have to do is stop and listen!



Visualization or The Art or Mental Rehearsal

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
~ Albert Einstein

We know for a fact that our nervous system doesn’t distinguish between a real experience and one imagined and that wee feel and act according to what we believe to be true about ourselves.

When we do mental rehearsal, the Success Activating Mechanism, also called Reticular Activating System takes over automatically and does the job. It finds the information, the answers to your questions, the solutions to the problems and obstacles that present during your course of action, and the best way to get to your destination. You may find out that the results are better than what you obtain when you use only your conscious mind and thoughts to achieve your goals. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have to take any action to finish your mission but that you won’t need to go through the mental struggle of consciously matching up your desires with the mental image of yourself.

So, once you have established the goals you want to reach and have prioritized them, choose one or two to start with the process of visualization, also called creative imagination.


  • Choose a quiet and relaxing space
  • Give yourself at least 30 minutes to perform your rehearsal
  • Make sure you won’t be disturbed
  • Read the entire process carefully before starting to implement it

The Process

Sit comfortably.

For a few minutes, focus your attention in your breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Feel the warm air filling up your lungs and reaching every organ, every muscle to take you to a state of total relaxation.

The key to this exercise is to create an image that is as vivid and as detailed as possible. Pay attention to the smallest details, the temperature of the room, the type of clothes you are wearing and the feel of them on your skin, the people you interact with and their appearance, every sound in the surroundings.

Hold a perfect image of yourself being, feeling and behaving like the successful person you want to become. Give up any judgmental thoughts. It doesn’t matter who you where and what you did in the past. Believe this is who you are today, not who you are going to be in the future.

How do you dress as this new you?

Where do you go?

Where do you live?

Who are your acquaintances?

How much money do you make?

How happy and fulfilled you are?

What do you do with your family? What do you do for fun? This is the perfect moment and place to expand your horizons and get to the top.

Avoid trying to figure out how you are going to get there. Just have the certainty that you are already that person with all the attributes necessary to achieve all you desire. Know that even if you fall asleep during the process, this information is still reaching your subconscious mind and that as you awaken or finish this process you will remember with clarity the image of your true and successful self. Write in your journal the insights and detailed information you visualized and establish a plan of action that will take you closer to your goal.

Tips to Write a Powerful Rehearsal Script

If you have difficulty visualizing your mental movie, write and record a detailed script to play during the mental rehearsal. So, in this movie you will be both, the narrator and the star, which has the added benefit of activating the auditory sense for a more powerful session.

  • Narrate the story in the present tense. For example, “I am a well known published author and public speaker” instead of, “I want to be a well-known published author and public speaker.”
  • Be specific. “I make $ 300.000 a year” instead of, “I want to make more money.”
  • Do not limit the story to a mere description. Infuse it with feelings and emotions. Think of the following questions, how do you feel? How do you act? How do you project yourself? How do you influence people? What are the strongest emotions (joy, happiness, love, pride, awe, inner peace, abundant, confidence, empowerment)?

Please, add this exercise to your daily routine to speed up your success achieving process and post your comments and/or questions down here or on my facebook page. I’ll respond to you in a quickly manner.

Living In Spirit

What a wonderful time I had meditating on the messages I received earlier.

I feel joyful and peaceful. I know that I have the support of God and his angels. I love how I connect deeper through writing to God and my higher self to know the truth of all things. I love feeling, living in spirit (inspired).

I love knowing that I am aligned to my life purpose and that every day I can come closer to live one hundred percent the life I’m meant to live, where I can be true to myself.


The Message

“You’ve grasped the truth in your heart. It’s not the only truth that you will be learning, but the one that serves you at this moment.

As long as you are willing to take time to meditate, you will get in touch to a higher consciousness that will guide you every step in life, and you will see your purpose coming clearer to you. You will know how to handle the challenges you may encounter. They are necessary to refine your spirit.”




Me, Myself and My Guru

Me, Myself and My Guru

While I was working on my new program, Ignite the Fire of Creation Within, the title of this article came to my mind. I attributed the definitions below, arbitrarily. There is no science behind it and I am not referring to a teaching or principle previously stated by other teachers, mentors or gurus, or at least, not that I know of. Any similarity with other teachings may be explained by the existence of the universal consciousness.

“Me” refers to the conscious mind and ego

“Myself,” to the divine, perfect being each of us is in essence, and

“My Guru” refers to the wise master that lives within each of us

Release “Me”                                                            

Embrace “Myself”

Trust “My Guru”

Releasing “Me”

When one addresses life from the conscious mind, one’s possibilities are limited to those known by the logical mind, preventing you from allowing the unexpected to manifest in your life.

Release “Me” to tap into your divine self and inner wisdom and to unlock your unlimited potential.

Embracing “Myself”

Once the ego self is released, embracing the divine within becomes natural. You’ll know you have embraced  “Myself,” when a deep and clear sense of unconditional love, security and expansion is predominant in your life, freeing you from fear and resurfacing as your authentic, loving self.

You let go and let God, because you have the certainty that every experience you manifest is on God’s schedule and for a highest purpose.

Trusting “My Guru”

Since ancient times, individuals have pursued spirituality and enlightenment. Today,  in an attempt to unveil the answers to philosophical and existentialist questions, men still look for visionaries, sages and/ or spiritual gurus. However, deep inside one’s soul exists every answer to the most intricate questions of mankind.

Once you reach the wisdom within, you will have found the until now, elusive “My Guru.”