3 Easy Steps to Creating a Personal Mantra

By Guest Writer, Shaylee Ford

What is a mantra?

The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: “man”, which means mind, and “tra”, which means transport or vehicle. A personal mantra can be thought of as a seed for energizing an intention. Getting to the ancient root of it all, mantra, at its core is the basis of all religious traditions, scriptures, and prayers. Today, a mantra is better understood as a repetitive thought to aid in the creation of experience, or to induce deep meditative states. Below are 3 easy steps to create a personal mantra and use it in everyday life.

  1. Decide What it is You Want
    As a mother with young children, it can be challenging at times to find a quiet minute to settle my thoughts and clear my mind, and I am sure even if you don’t have kids you can relate to this. Consciously make an effort without setting an expectation, to sit quietly, clear the mind or meditate and ask yourself: “what do I truly want?”. As the thoughts come you write them down. These things can range from money, a relationship, love, happiness and the list goes on.
    Example: “I want more money.”
  2. Create a Mindful Statement
    When creating a mindful statement or personal mantra, keep in mind that the universe is a genie and the genie always says, “Your wish is my command!”. If we are looking at the statemen “I want more money.”, Genie: “your wish is my command!”. Now you have created the ugly circle of “I want more money.”, which will leave you always wanting more money.
  3. There are two secrets to creating a mindful statement. The first one is the subject of what you want, if you want more money then let money be the subject. Stay away from things likeCreate a Personal Mantra, “I want to be out of debt.”, debt being the subject will only bring you more debt. The second secret is live your statement as if you already have it. For example, the words I AM or I HAVE put you in the place of already being or having what you desire.
    Example: “I am abundant always.”
    “I have abundance always.”
  4. Start Creating!
    In some cultures, it is said that you must sit and meditate for hours, or be alone in nature for an extended period while reciting your personal mantra for it to manifest. This is purely a belief system and like any other belief system it is only true if you chose to believe in it. Putting a personal mantra into action is very simple and very flexible according to what works best for you. You can incorporate your mantra into your thought processes, journaling or even speaking whenever you want to. You may start your day with meditation and reflecting on gratitude, you may recite the words in your mind while you are in the car, or my personal favorite, while I am doing mindless work at my job. Another trigger is replacing any negative thought counterproductive to what it is you wish to create with your safe, productive mantra! In time, you will find that becoming aware of our auto-pilot thoughts that are literally creating your reality will begin to change!

Mantras can be used to change or recreate anything in your life. With a little bit of dedication to self-awareness you can have exactly the life you have always wanted. Remember to reflect daily on the things in your life that truly serve your highest good and pay no mind to the do not. Life is full of experiences, be mindful of the ones you choose!

Empower Goals with a Vision Board

We are hearing more everyday about the power of the human mind. I have devoted the last months to do a research on the neuroscience of motivation and its role in the achievement of goals. The subject is vast and deep but I’d like to focus today on the power of the vision board. Neuroscience research shows that motivation is driven by the anticipation of future rewards and creating a vision board will certainly help us anticipate success.

Before proceeding, let me share a brief description of the vision board for those who are new to this concept.

Essentially, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words that illustrates the life you want to live.

I am not explaining a step by step process to create your vision board per se, but describing in a few words how vision boards can help you change your mindset and keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

  • A vision board enhances your ability to create and to hold a consistent visual image of your desired goals in your mental screen
  • It is not only a reminder of your destination but also a tool to track your accomplishments
  • The process of creation of the vision board gives you the opportunity to infuse your projects with the passion that only you can add to make your dream a reality
  • It helps you stay focused, motivated and committed
  • You will experience yourself as if you were already the person you want to become or had that what you are wanting to obtain.  This gives you a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth
  • It increases your ability to close the gap between the possible and the reality
    With that being said, I’m leaving here a few tips to help you kick start or take your success a step further.
  1. Connect to your intuition to determine and prioritize your goals
  2. Make a vision board that encompasses some or all areas of your life: love, career, relationships, health & fitness, friends & family, finances, creativity, personal growth and travel and fun, or create one for a specific area or goal (a new home, a change of career, etc)
  3. You may also choose to create a board for one single area, or goal (Weight loss, love, new job/career, etc)
  4. Charge your board with your best energy. Make the process fun and exciting!
  5. Use the most appealing pictures and words that best represent both, your personality and big dreams
  6. Illustrate also emotions and states of mind (patience, strength, etc)
  7. Place your board on a place where you see it often and practice experiencing the feelings of having it all, now!

If you find this information valuable, join “The Thriving Tribe” facebook group to receive additional support!

Liliam Llanos has worked as a healer and certified life coach for over 15 years. She brings together mindfulness techniques and brain research-based tools to show her clients how to overcome trauma, increase their self-esteem, and create greater balance, growth, and a meaningful life.  As a neurocoach, Lilian is also committed to bringing awareness and integration of science-based strategies to the healing community. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Article Source: Expert Writer Lilian Llanos, NeuroWisdom 101

Align – Allow – Achieve: 3 Steps to Manifesting

You can be, do and have everything you can imagine in your mind and feel in your heart. Instead of dwelling on what you do not have yet, focus your attention on what you have already manifested.

Align, Allow, Achieve: 3 Steps to Manifesting

3 steps to manifesting and becoming a powerful co-creator.

1. Align

When you align to your God-like attributes and take ownership of them you become that what you want to manifest.

2. Allow

Think about nature, your own body that is always allowing itself to be transformed and renewed effortlessly.  As you allow the energy to transform and flow through you and around you, you create more opportunities to manifest the object of your desire.

3. Achieve

Consequently, as you implement the first two steps, your  ability to manifest will increase creating a shift at a cellular level that makes the process of manifesting as easy as breathing is for you at this moment.

Practice this three-step process as often as you can. Start with little goals and rejoice in your accomplishments whether they are small or large.

Record your progress in your journal.