Living Fearlessly

I’ve been reminded again that life is too short to play it small, to dream shyly, and while I meditate on this, I’ve come to realize how many times I’ve been thrown to revisit and relearn this lesson. So,I’ve decided that I’m no longer waiting for the perfect conditions to act on my dreams.  If I’m to die I want to die trying.
There is always a chance to err, to fail but if I don’t try I’ve already failed. I give myself the chance to thrive today because this moment is my only reality. Tomorrow may come, or not. Today is The day, the day in which to live, laugh and be fulfilled. I only have this life, this time and space to live and I’m determined to live it BIG and I invite YOU, wherever you are and whatever your circumstances to do the same.
There is always more in life to celebrate than to regret, I live, I love, I’m loved, I breathe, I see, I hear, I believe! (How much more can you add?)
You have the power to change your life, to overcome your circumstances, to re-create your reality and start loving life and living fearless.
ALLOW yourself to Dream, Live, laugh, Forgive, Love and Thrive but do it NOW and do it BIG, because this may be the only moment you and I have to do so.