Forgive and Heal

How often do you allow yourself to sit with your emotions?

Most people just don’t it because raw emotions can be very painful.

Until we learn the importance of both, facing our emotions and digging deep to get to the root causes
for our behaviors, we will keep having the same responses to certain triggers. PERIOD.

In other words, if you had an experience as a child that caused you to feel abandoned, you may still be
running the core belief that you don’t deserve to be loved, and no matter how your relationship with your
partner goes you always end up feeling physically or emotionally abandoned.

You may even start to push your partner away to validate your belief, and to avoid the pain caused
by the anticipated rejection.  Whether your partner leaves on his/her own, or you push him/her away,
the result is the same, you will experience abandonment. (Been there. Done that ):)


This must and can change. Yes, you can forgive and heal. You can CHANGE the limiting beliefs that block your ability to create abundance and success in every area of your life.

You can CHOOSE to respond in a healthy way. You can make the CHOICE of taking responsibility for your thinking and responses.

As Viktor Frankl described it, this choice is “the ultimate of human freedom – the choice of attitude in any situation, no matter how adverse the circumstances.”

It’s time for you to start living life without limits, and I’m here to assist you to achieve your deepest
desires. Let’s do it!

Simply, contact me to schedule an “INNER” Discovery Session.

Live Life Without Limits!


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