Empower Goals with a Vision Board

We are hearing more everyday about the power of the human mind. I have devoted the last months to do a research on the neuroscience of motivation and its role in the achievement of goals. The subject is vast and deep but I’d like to focus today on the power of the vision board. Neuroscience research shows that motivation is driven by the anticipation of future rewards and creating a vision board will certainly help us anticipate success.

Before proceeding, let me share a brief description of the vision board for those who are new to this concept.

Essentially, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words that illustrates the life you want to live.

I am not explaining a step by step process to create your vision board per se, but describing in a few words how vision boards can help you change your mindset and keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

  • A vision board enhances your ability to create and to hold a consistent visual image of your desired goals in your mental screen
  • It is not only a reminder of your destination but also a tool to track your accomplishments
  • The process of creation of the vision board gives you the opportunity to infuse your projects with the passion that only you can add to make your dream a reality
  • It helps you stay focused, motivated and committed
  • You will experience yourself as if you were already the person you want to become or had that what you are wanting to obtain.  This gives you a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth
  • It increases your ability to close the gap between the possible and the reality
    With that being said, I’m leaving here a few tips to help you kick start or take your success a step further.
  1. Connect to your intuition to determine and prioritize your goals
  2. Make a vision board that encompasses some or all areas of your life: love, career, relationships, health & fitness, friends & family, finances, creativity, personal growth and travel and fun, or create one for a specific area or goal (a new home, a change of career, etc)
  3. You may also choose to create a board for one single area, or goal (Weight loss, love, new job/career, etc)
  4. Charge your board with your best energy. Make the process fun and exciting!
  5. Use the most appealing pictures and words that best represent both, your personality and big dreams
  6. Illustrate also emotions and states of mind (patience, strength, etc)
  7. Place your board on a place where you see it often and practice experiencing the feelings of having it all, now!

If you find this information valuable, join “The Thriving Tribe” facebook group to receive additional support!

Liliam Llanos has worked as a healer and certified life coach for over 15 years. She brings together mindfulness techniques and brain research-based tools to show her clients how to overcome trauma, increase their self-esteem, and create greater balance, growth, and a meaningful life.  As a neurocoach, Lilian is also committed to bringing awareness and integration of science-based strategies to the healing community. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Article Source: Expert Writer Lilian Llanos, NeuroWisdom 101

If You Are Not Growing, You Are Dying!

We are welcoming a new wonderful month and I’m wondering, are you happy with your achievements, or are you stuck, getting the same old results?

What’s preventing you from expressing your greatness?

Why are you still spinning your wheels?

Is it fear of being rejected, or fear of feeling not good enough? What is your major fear? 

It is not necessary that you identify where your fear is coming from, but it is important that you decide to face and overcome the demons that keep you in a state of frustration and stagnation because what keeps you repeating the same old pattern is the fear of knowing more about your reality — and having to act on what you discover.

Once you become aware of the truth of the matter — you have a few choices to make: keep doing what you have been doing (hiding, hibernating), or do what you’ve never done before to have what you’ve never had before (changing). I know from my experience how scary and painful change can be, but remember those times when you have avoided change out of fear. Once you dared to move from thought to action how much easier the latter ended up being!

Accepting the need to make changes usually means that you’ll be required to take action to change an outcome. Are you satisfied with the outcomes in your life? If not, are you ready to take action and create a new outcome?

I can help YOU move forward and create the type of results you long for. Call me to book your free “Move Forward Now” Session or request it here!

Are You Spinning Your Wheels? 7 Ways to Tell You’re Staying Stagnant

So here you are, again. You’re faced with a problem or issue and you’ve been at it for a while now… You always think you’re solving it, always working hard, but never getting anywhere. Does this sound familiar? If so, you may be spinning your wheels.

Here are some other signs that you need to stop to reevaluate some things before you continue:

  1. You keep switching plans or switching goals

    You have a new goal each week that you’re working towards… and with each new goal comes a new plan of action.
  2. You are feeling pretty lost

    You lack direction either because you have not determined the direction you want to take or you’re choosing not to take it.
  3. Excessive internet searching

    Google is your best friend. Or perhaps a social media site. Either way, you keep looking for answers from the World Wide Web instead of getting more introspective and meditative about your situation.
  4. You’ve stopped talking to people about your project

    You’ve told so many people so many different goals/plans that you’ve had over this time that you’ve finally stopped talking about it so that you don’t let anyone down.
  5. You justify everything

    Well, this time you’re taking this road because of this reason…. and then you stopped to take another road for this other reason… and then you decided that the first road you were on was probably best, as it turns out, so your get back on there… but then you decide to do it a bit differently because it just makes sense, right??
  6. You’re being guided by one of the “7 Deadly Sins!”

    Perhaps you’re being guided by  wrathgreedslothpridelustenvy, or gluttony?
  7. Relentless action

    When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Has it been a while since you’ve taken some time away from work during your “working hours”?

    Albert Einstein has been quoted saying “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Take a look at your situation. Perhaps you’re spinning your wheels because you’re using the same tool that dug you into your problem (same thinking) that you are using to dig yourself out?

    What are some other ways you’ve found that you might be spinning?

Let Go and Let God

Winners see risks as opportunities to grow.

Don’t make of fear a reason to quit. Let your deepest desires push forward and go on despite your fears. Overcome your fears and go on!

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is in order, balanced and under control, you may never start. Success is totally dependent upon drive, focus and persistence.

Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.

“Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that our sons and grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty. Think big.”

Daniel Burnham, Chicago architect. (1846-1912)


Imagine your Dreams. Take Action. Let Go and Let God!

Ignite the Fire of Creation Within: Vision board 101

We are hearing more everyday about the power of the human mind. I have devoted the last months to do a research on the power of the mind and our intrinsic abilities to manifest all that we desire. The subject is vast and deep but I’d like to focus today on the power of the vision board. Before explaining how this powerful tool contributes to the manifestation process, here is a brief description of the vision board for those who are new to this concept.

Essentially, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words that illustrate the life you want to live.

I am not explaining a step by step process to create your vision board per se, but describing in a few words how it can help you change your mindset.

  • A vision board enhances your ability to create and to hold a consistent visual image of your desired goals in your mental screen
  • It is not only a reminder of your destination but also a tool to track your accomplishments.
  • The process of creation of the vision board gives you the opportunity to infuse your projects with the passion that only you can add to make your dream a reality.
  • It helps you stay focus, motivated and committed
  • You will experience yourself as if you were already the person you want to become or had that what you are wanting to obtain, giving you a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth
  • As the energy gap between the possible and the reality diminishes you become a powerful magnet to success

With this being said, I’m leaving here a few tips to help you kick start or take your success a step further.

  1. Connect to your soul to determine and prioritize your goals
  2. Make a vision board that encompasses some or all areas of your life: love, career, relationships, health & fitness, friends & family, finances, creativity, personal growth and travel and fun, or create one for a specific area or goal (a new home, a change of career, etc)
  3. Charge your board with your best energy. Make the process fun and exciting
  4. Use the most appealing pictures and words that best represent both, your personality and big dreams
  5. Choose the pictures that speak to you
  6. Illustrate also emotions and states of mind (patience, strength, etc)
  7. Place your board on a place where you see it often and practice experiencing the feelings of having it all now

If you like this post and would like to learn other powerful tips based on Eastern teachings, please,  come to my next class,

Ignite the Fire of Creation: Vision Board 101. 

Crystal Cocoon Center for the Healing Arts
5582 S 1750 E
 Ogden,  Utah  84403

$ 11.00  sign up with a friend before March 17, 2012
$ 22.00 pre-resgistering before or on March 24, 2012
$ 33.00 at the Door

Date: TBA
Time: 6 pm

Imagine your Dream, Live your Purpose, Create your Happiness!