Unleash the Power of The Law of Attraction

During recent years we have heard a lot about the Law of attraction, and even though you might think that you haven’t ever practiced this law, you use the Law of Attraction on your every day life, even if you haven‘t ever heard about it.

Consciously or unconsciously, you are creating the experiences you are having in your life. So, let’s learn simple steps to manifest our desires instead of attracting more of what we don‘t want in our lives.

How does it sound? Are you willing to give it a try?

Follow these steps to unleash the  power of the Law of Attraction.

1. Express Gratitude

Express gratitude for all you have in your life including both, blessings and challenges. List as many as possible. Are you amazed yet? Life itself is a miracle.

I Am Alive!
I Live!
I Feel!
I See!
I Love!

Now, it’s time to start your own list.

I am Grateful for…

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

I assure you that the list will go on and on…

When we focus our attention in something either positive or negative we attract more of that in our lives. If you start expressing your gratitude for what you are expecting in your life, as if it were already here, you are inviting that to manifest in your life. So, let’s make a list of everything we want to accomplish. Pretend it’s already here. Close your eyes and visualize yourself reaching that ideal weight, meeting your soul mate or improving your relationship with your significant other, finding your life’s purpose, the job you have always wanted, success, prosperity, etc. Then add it to the prior “I Am Grateful for” list.

You can practice the last exercise and review your list as often as you want. Keep adding to your list. Remember, “you are entitled” to the blessings of the Universe.

The last statement takes me to the next step:

2. Recognize your Worthiness

Yes, everyone is entitled to the blessings of the Universe. We tend to doubt our worthiness, and to believe that there are many things we must do, be, or have, to deserve these blessings.

What do you need to receive abundance of health, wealth, love and joy in your life?

Remember who you are

Recognize “Who you Are” instead of “what you do” or “what you have.” You are a Loving Child of God, and as a Child of God you are entitled to Unconditional Love, Health, Abundance, Success, and wisdom.

Now stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself:

“I am a Child of God and as a Child of God I am entitled to the Unconditional Love, Health, Abundance, Success, Wisdom…” (Add to your list according to what you expect in your life and that until now you had felt you were unworthy to receive.) Then open your arms and say:

“I welcome into my life the blessings of the Universe that I am entitled to, as a Precious Child of God. I welcome Health, Love, Abundance, Success.” 

Don’t be surprised if you find resistance. Sooner that later, you will start to feel comfortable praising yourself.

3. Change Your Perception

Even after mastering the law of attraction you might experience negative issues in your life since they are part of the growth process. How can you deal with that and still have the Law of Attraction working with you instead of working against you?


Dr. Wayne Dyer says: “Change the way you look at things and the things that you look at will change.” This is a wise statement. Even though, it might sound absurd, we have chosen the experiences we needed to go through in this life to help us grow and find the way back to our source and perfect nature. So, see how those experiences shape up your character and strengthen you. Learn the lesson, practice gratitude and finally “you will change the way you look at things and  the things you look at will change.”

4. Allow

To Unleash the Power of The Law of Attraction you must trust the Universe, your worthiness, and lear how to “Be Still and Know that I am God.”

Your life will unfold in perfect order. You will have the inspired plans to accomplish your goals. The information and/or the persons you need by your side will show up at the right time so you can finally live life without limits.


As Seen On

From “The Sky is the Limit” to “Wishes Fulfilled”

“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind—that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”

I have been always an avid fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer. I was a teenager when I read “The Sky is the Limit,” and since then it’s been my desire to read it again.  I still remember the feelings of joy, excitement, fascination, and happiness I had while I devoured those pages; and the unlimited possibilities ahead of me that seemed so alluring.
“The Sky is the Limit” became my motto, my mantra. A few years down the road, life happened to me, and I found myself heading in the opposite direction, sinking in a sea of despair, distress, and fear.

It took me over 15 years to go back to that place of believing in myself as a limitless, divine being. I wait now with excited anticipation the release of his latest inspirational masterpiece titled, “Wishes Fulfilled.” I am in love with the synchronicity. For a few years now, I have set my mind and heart into deciphering the mysteries of the manifesting process, and I suspect this book will reveal some of them.

One of the biggest breakthroughs in psychology in the  20th century addressed in this book states that there is a direct correlation between your self-image and the results you are creating.

In other words, if you consider yourself to be a failure, your chances of attaining success in your life are diminished considerably. So, if you are wondering why your long journey of affirmations, visualizations, the law of attraction programs, and everything in between hasn’t borne any fruits yet, your self-image is the culprit.

Can you transform a two-story building into a skyscraper without altering its foundation? The answer is no.

The same concept applies to your life. You can’t transform your life from scarcity to abundance, from despair to happiness, from failure to success, from emptiness to fulfillment without working on changing your self-image. You can’t outgrow your self-image since your feelings, actions, and behavior, are consistent with the mental picture you hold of yourself.

The good news is, there are several ways to transform your life. You can do it from the bottom up or the inside out. You are the creator of your destiny.

Inspired by the analogy of the building, I researched on the Malaysian construction project of the Petronas Twin Towers, certified as the world’s tallest buildings in 1996. To my amazement, the first resource I looked into was an article called, “Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest building in the world. From vision to reality.” I can only say, what a synchronicity! Going from vision to reality in your life is the process I want to illustrate. So, here we go!


Preparing the foundation for the Petronas Twin Tower was a challenge. Once the process began, they encountered problems with the soil. It was not suitable for the project, and it was necessary to make some adjustments including a five-story excavation. Once we start the journey, we will find the need to make some adjustments before we can proceed.

Surely, we’ll have to dig deep into our mind and soul to weed out or remove what no longer serves our purpose, to lay a solid and stable foundation (self-image.) It may not be a very pleasant task. It may be even painful and to some extent, debilitating, but it will determine how far and how high you’ll be able to go in your life. Very helpful since we are shooting at least for the sky. Aren’t we?