Using Your Personal Bucket List as a Powerful Start-up Business Technique!

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” ~ Steve Jobs

What’s on your bucket-list?

Stumped trying to find your passion-driven business? Here’s a thought…

When brainstorming a new business venture, it can be easy to become side-tracked with the money. How will I make money? Where will it come from? How can I make more money? If I set it up like this, how much money will I have made in 6 months from now? And on and on…

But what if we put our interests first and put the money last? What if we put our quest for fulfillment before our quest for money? What if we made it our goal to cross something off our bucket-list instead of making money? Here’s what that could look like…

  1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do or achieve? (Something to cross off your “Bucket-List!”)

This could be in the form of achieving a certain certification or license. Skydiving Instructor? Pilot License? Reiki Certification? Master Gardener Certification?

  1. Would the process of achieving this be fun for you?

This should be something that beyond interests you. Something that you can’t stop talking about at the dinner table, something you can’t wait to learn more!

  1. How far out of your reach is this?

If you really wanted to, could you start almost immediately? Think of the financial requirements. Consider all (legal and responsible) options for funding your dream. Think of your time requirements. Would you be able to do this while keeping your current obligations (including personal time and relationships) fulfilled?

  1. Could it make you money? (NOTE: Don’t think how could this make you money, rather could this make you money.)

Is your bucket list business be a good idea?

It is important to remember what great things can come from the unplanned – like opportunity. When was the last time you planned for a great opportunity? If you know that there is a way, but you’re not sure exactly what that is quite yet, that’s more than ok – that’s perfect!

While it certainly is important to profit from your endeavors, this exercise can be helpful in not making money your sole focus. Stop putting off your goals for ‘someday’. Brainstorming your bucket-list is fun! And brainstorming your bucket-list-business? Even better!

Don’t have a bucket list? Here’s a great way to get started!