If You Are Not Growing, You Are Dying!

We are welcoming a new wonderful month and I’m wondering, are you happy with your achievements, or are you stuck, getting the same old results?

What’s preventing you from expressing your greatness?

Why are you still spinning your wheels?

Is it fear of being rejected, or fear of feeling not good enough? What is your major fear? 

It is not necessary that you identify where your fear is coming from, but it is important that you decide to face and overcome the demons that keep you in a state of frustration and stagnation because what keeps you repeating the same old pattern is the fear of knowing more about your reality — and having to act on what you discover.

Once you become aware of the truth of the matter — you have a few choices to make: keep doing what you have been doing (hiding, hibernating), or do what you’ve never done before to have what you’ve never had before (changing). I know from my experience how scary and painful change can be, but remember those times when you have avoided change out of fear. Once you dared to move from thought to action how much easier the latter ended up being!

Accepting the need to make changes usually means that you’ll be required to take action to change an outcome. Are you satisfied with the outcomes in your life? If not, are you ready to take action and create a new outcome?

I can help YOU move forward and create the type of results you long for. Call me to book your free “Move Forward Now” Session or request it here!

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish

Are you disappointed with the results (or lack of,) you’ve had this past year?

Stop there, and just turn your mistakes into learning lessons, and take time this month to get ready and open to welcome new opportunities in the coming year.

Blame is the high price you pay when you let your life slip through your fingers without making the decision to do what it takes to follow your passion. You’ve probably found yourself lately, wondering what if… What if I had done this? What if I could go back in time and take this simple action step? How much could I change?

Stop blaming yourself for what you haven’t done and decide to take action TODAY. Set priorities in your life. Get clear about your life vision and set goals that bring you closer to accomplishing them. Choose every day activities that support both, your passion and your priorities.

Be disciplined and you will find yourself in a privileged place, striving to get to the top,and to achieve success on your own terms.

Do not wait for the right time to act on your dreams. Today is the perfect day to start writing that book that’s been calling you for a while. Today is the perfect day to start that project you’ve envisioned for the longest time. Today is the perfect day to take the first step to lose weight. Stop making excuses!

A Goal Without a Plan is Just a WishI don’t have time!

I’m too tired!

I’m too old!

I’m not smart enough! Sound familiar?

How many days and weeks you go wasting time on tasks that have no value to you or your loved ones. How often do you review your day and find that you’ve invested your time on unimportant things! What is the price you are paying?

Take charge of your life and make every minute of it worth living but do it NOW!

Here are two simple tips to help you achieve your goals:

  •  Get Crystal Clear about the What and Why – As important as it is to know what your passion is and what you want to accomplish, it is also important to be clear about the reasons behind your goal. An easy way to get to this clarity is setting your life priorities straight and then aligning your day-to-day actions so they support those priorities.

Sailing ©2013



  • Plan ahead – Take a few minutes every night to organize your agenda and choose 3 – 5 activities that will take you closer to accomplishing your projects. Highlight the activities that must be done regardless.

Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Stop the cycle of frustration you go through, year after year. Study what worked and what needs to improve. If you want to get results, you must take action, take the risk of getting out of your comfort zone to achieve the results you haven’t achieved before.

“No plan. No objective. No goal. The road to anywhere is the road to nowhere, and the road to nowhere leads to dreams sacrificed, opportunities squandered, and a life unfulfilled.”

                  Thomas S. Monson

Let Go and Let God

Winners see risks as opportunities to grow.

Don’t make of fear a reason to quit. Let your deepest desires push forward and go on despite your fears. Overcome your fears and go on!

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is in order, balanced and under control, you may never start. Success is totally dependent upon drive, focus and persistence.

Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.

“Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that our sons and grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty. Think big.”

Daniel Burnham, Chicago architect. (1846-1912)


Imagine your Dreams. Take Action. Let Go and Let God!