If You Are Not Growing, You Are Dying!

We are welcoming a new wonderful month and I’m wondering, are you happy with your achievements, or are you stuck, getting the same old results?

What’s preventing you from expressing your greatness?

Why are you still spinning your wheels?

Is it fear of being rejected, or fear of feeling not good enough? What is your major fear? 

It is not necessary that you identify where your fear is coming from, but it is important that you decide to face and overcome the demons that keep you in a state of frustration and stagnation because what keeps you repeating the same old pattern is the fear of knowing more about your reality — and having to act on what you discover.

Once you become aware of the truth of the matter — you have a few choices to make: keep doing what you have been doing (hiding, hibernating), or do what you’ve never done before to have what you’ve never had before (changing). I know from my experience how scary and painful change can be, but remember those times when you have avoided change out of fear. Once you dared to move from thought to action how much easier the latter ended up being!

Accepting the need to make changes usually means that you’ll be required to take action to change an outcome. Are you satisfied with the outcomes in your life? If not, are you ready to take action and create a new outcome?

I can help YOU move forward and create the type of results you long for. Call me to book your free “Move Forward Now” Session or request it here!

Are You Spinning Your Wheels? 7 Ways to Tell You’re Staying Stagnant

So here you are, again. You’re faced with a problem or issue and you’ve been at it for a while now… You always think you’re solving it, always working hard, but never getting anywhere. Does this sound familiar? If so, you may be spinning your wheels.

Here are some other signs that you need to stop to reevaluate some things before you continue:

  1. You keep switching plans or switching goals

    You have a new goal each week that you’re working towards… and with each new goal comes a new plan of action.
  2. You are feeling pretty lost

    You lack direction either because you have not determined the direction you want to take or you’re choosing not to take it.
  3. Excessive internet searching

    Google is your best friend. Or perhaps a social media site. Either way, you keep looking for answers from the World Wide Web instead of getting more introspective and meditative about your situation.
  4. You’ve stopped talking to people about your project

    You’ve told so many people so many different goals/plans that you’ve had over this time that you’ve finally stopped talking about it so that you don’t let anyone down.
  5. You justify everything

    Well, this time you’re taking this road because of this reason…. and then you stopped to take another road for this other reason… and then you decided that the first road you were on was probably best, as it turns out, so your get back on there… but then you decide to do it a bit differently because it just makes sense, right??
  6. You’re being guided by one of the “7 Deadly Sins!”

    Perhaps you’re being guided by  wrathgreedslothpridelustenvy, or gluttony?
  7. Relentless action

    When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Has it been a while since you’ve taken some time away from work during your “working hours”?

    Albert Einstein has been quoted saying “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Take a look at your situation. Perhaps you’re spinning your wheels because you’re using the same tool that dug you into your problem (same thinking) that you are using to dig yourself out?

    What are some other ways you’ve found that you might be spinning?

Using Your Personal Bucket List as a Powerful Start-up Business Technique!

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” ~ Steve Jobs

What’s on your bucket-list?

Stumped trying to find your passion-driven business? Here’s a thought…

When brainstorming a new business venture, it can be easy to become side-tracked with the money. How will I make money? Where will it come from? How can I make more money? If I set it up like this, how much money will I have made in 6 months from now? And on and on…

But what if we put our interests first and put the money last? What if we put our quest for fulfillment before our quest for money? What if we made it our goal to cross something off our bucket-list instead of making money? Here’s what that could look like…

  1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do or achieve? (Something to cross off your “Bucket-List!”)

This could be in the form of achieving a certain certification or license. Skydiving Instructor? Pilot License? Reiki Certification? Master Gardener Certification?

  1. Would the process of achieving this be fun for you?

This should be something that beyond interests you. Something that you can’t stop talking about at the dinner table, something you can’t wait to learn more!

  1. How far out of your reach is this?

If you really wanted to, could you start almost immediately? Think of the financial requirements. Consider all (legal and responsible) options for funding your dream. Think of your time requirements. Would you be able to do this while keeping your current obligations (including personal time and relationships) fulfilled?

  1. Could it make you money? (NOTE: Don’t think how could this make you money, rather could this make you money.)

Is your bucket list business be a good idea?

It is important to remember what great things can come from the unplanned – like opportunity. When was the last time you planned for a great opportunity? If you know that there is a way, but you’re not sure exactly what that is quite yet, that’s more than ok – that’s perfect!

While it certainly is important to profit from your endeavors, this exercise can be helpful in not making money your sole focus. Stop putting off your goals for ‘someday’. Brainstorming your bucket-list is fun! And brainstorming your bucket-list-business? Even better!

Don’t have a bucket list? Here’s a great way to get started!