Living Intensely, Fearlessly and Empowered!

I am in love with my life!

Live Intensely, Fearlessly and Empowered

I can’t imagine a different way of life. I wake up every day in exhilaration to embrace a new day.

But, I’ll be honest … this hasn’t been always my story…

There was a time, not too long ago, when I had to reach to all kind of tricks to drag myself out of bed and face the dreading reality, I was stuck at a job that no longer fulfilled me and I couldn’t see the way out.

I knew there was a lot more to life than what I was experiencing.

I knew I had a mission to fulfill and special gifts to share, but I was frozen with fear. Yes, it was just plain fear, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of criticism; fear of failure and fear of making a fool of myself, and even fear of success.

Despite of my sincere desire to make a difference in the world, I didn’t have the courage to make a difference in my own world, and I just kept playing it safe in my comfort zone, blaming my circumstances and the entire world; taking a few steps forward and going right back to the same place I longed to leave for once and for all.

The Turning Point

Ironically, it took another dreadful situation, that struck me inadvertently (the possibility of having cancer), to realize that life may be either, too short or too long, to live in fear.

I realized that there is only one day to live, one day to love and to succeed, and that day is TODAY. I realized that I couldn’t wait any longer for the right opportunity to pursue my dreams. I must create the opportunities.

I can’t wait for another person to rescue me.  I must rescue myself to reconnect with the true, powerful person that I am by divine nature and birthright.

I can’t keep playing by anybody else’s rules or I won’t ever be able to play my own game.

This was an incredible shift and despite the circumstances, I felt empowered and compelled from then on, to live every minute of my life to its fullest, and to make what would be the most important decisions in my life.

I decided that no matter what happened, I would strive to keep alive the creative fire that had been re-ignited in my soul.

I would no longer run my life out of fear or settle for the ordinary because I deserve the extraordinary.

The fulfillment of my purpose was no longer dependent on my circumstances or the people that surrounded me because I was now willing to take100% responsibility for my actions, thoughts and decisions.

Most importantly, that I would invest all my time, energy and resources to pursue my dreams because I AM WORTH IT.

Wow, I was certainly, ecstatic, relieved, liberated and finally ready to live L.I.F.E (Living Intensely, Fearlessly and Empowered.)

Walking in My Own shoes or, My Purpose…

It is my belief that before we come to this existence, we choose the journey we want to experience that will free us from the limiting beliefs that we will be subjected to, once we are born and, that would most likely, prevent us from embracing our soul purpose.

So, after experiencing the joy that living a purpose bring to your life I couldn’t help but to take on the mission to help you re-discover, re-align and magnify your purpose to create a profit filled, passion-driven business that will allow you to make a difference in your life and in the world by embracing your true brilliance, boldness and beauty.

So, my question to you now is, are you ready to live intensely, fearlessly and empowered (or ready for l.i.f.e)?

I hope you are because this is the PERFECT time to live the story of your worthiness and magnificence. We only have this life, this time and space to live and, I’m determined to live it BIG and I invite YOU, wherever you are and whatever your circumstances are, to do the same.

You have the power to change your life, to overcome your circumstances, to re-create your reality and start loving life and living fearlessly but you must make a decision and take action NOW.

ALLOW yourself to dream, live, laugh, forgive, love and thrive but do it NOW and do it BIG, because this may be the only moment you and I have to do so.