Increasing Your Magnetic Power

I’ve written before about the power of our thoughts and words in the manifesting process. I’m sure you have been wondering how you could increase your magnetic power to attract what you want to create as your physical reality. The following process taught by Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)is probably the one that has been most effective in my personal experience. He calls it the Creative’s Workshop Process.

Abraham encourages you to spend 10-15 minutes every day, “deliberately setting forth powerful thoughts that evoke, great, powerful, passionate, positive emotion in order to attract circumstances and events into your life’s experience that are to your wanting.” “…all the things that make up your vision of what the perfect life experience will be for you.

The Creative’s Workshop Process


Your job in this workshop is to assimilate data that you have been collecting from your real life experiences. Your work here is to bring the data together in a sort of picture of yourself, one that satisfies and pleases you.

  • Choose a place where you will not be distracted or interrupted
  • In order to make the process as  effective and empowering as possible, it is important that you come with a feeling of happiness
  • During your day collect data and look for things that you would like to manifest and bring them into your workshop
  • Go into your workshop to assimilate the data and prepare a picture of yourself  from which you will begin attracting into your experience the essence of that which has been pleasing you.
  • Give thought to what you want with clarity so your Inner Being responds by offering confirming emotion

If you are able to grasp the knowledge that your real work is to look around for things that you want with the intent of bringing them into your workshop in order to create your vision of yourself from which you will attract – then you will come to know that there is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have.

From the book, The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks