3 Simple Steps To Be More Productive

Are you often wishing the day had more hours?

Do you feel overworked?

Are you frustrated and overwhelmed at the end of the day by your undone tasks?

3 Simple Steps To Be More Productive

It’s time for you to start working smarter, not harder. These 3 simple steps to be more productive, will help you lighten up your daily routine to create more balance in your life, so you can enjoy the day doing what you love, whether that means working on your passion, having quality time with your loved ones, or pampering yourself.

  1. Set clear and specific goals every day
  2. Choose the activities that will take you closer to your goals and work on the ones you enjoy doing and are good at it
  3. Delegate the rest to a competent and trustworthy support team. Remember, “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.”

Whether you are a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or stay- at- home mother, these 3 simple Steps will make your days more productive and fulfilling.


Commitment: Play Big or Go Home

My first reaction while I was at Be The Change Event watching Bishop T. D. Jakes video about commitment was, hey, I’m all good. I’m a very committed person. I am committed to my family, to my purpose, to my clients, but once he kept going deeper and I decided to do an honest balance, I realized that I could still give a lot more of myself to everything I do and the people I love, which also took me to take responsibility for those areas where I’ve been wanting to get better results and I had been just blaming everything and everyone else but myself. That is how I decided that being committed is also about taking full responsibility for my achievements and/or the lack of them. I know that as I do so, I increase the chances of succeeding since the only person I can really have control over is myself.

So I made a new commitment to myself and the world, to come out of hiding, where I’ve kept myself a lot more often than I should just out of fear to make a commitment and hold myself accountable for it.

I know that I have a lot to give at all levels and I don’t do a service to anyone when I play small. I know that this is a process that includes both, failures and victories, but when I avoid taking action to avoid failing, I have already failed leaving no room or possibilities for victory. That’s why I also want to encourage you to take a look at your life now and ask yourself how committed you are to yourself, to your loved ones, to your relationships, to your career, and decide to stop playing small and make the resolution to play big instead from now on!

YES! I will remind myself that no matter the goal I set in my life I must always PLAY BIG or GO HOME! What are you willing to commit to today?

The Untold Love Story Project

Have you lost a love?
Join the untold Love Story Project! I want to hear your “untold love story” or “untold message to your lost love.” Whether your loss was due to a break up, death, challenging illness, or any other circumstances, I want to hear it.

I will keep your information anonymous if that’s what you want. It can be a poem, a love letter, lyrics to a song or short experiences. Please, post your story here or send me a private message with your story or email at Lilian@LilianLlanos.com.

Most meaningful love stories are left untold, some with happily ever after endings(or at least we want to believe so,) but even though the rest may leave us with a bittersweet feeling, love still is, and it will always be the most powerful force that moves us. I’ve even wondered if Love is also a physical law since we are all pulled inevitably by the energy of love, as much as we are pulled to the earth by gravity.

I’ve also been pulled by this energy more than once, to my delight, or not, depending on my ability to choose to experience love, or to experience fear.

I believe Love starts growing within once we are born, or perhaps it’s just another program in our DNA. I’m not certain. It seems to me that it never dies. Relationships die but Love only lies dormant for a while, until we let our guards down and allow ourselves to be pulled again by, and to the energy of Love. Then, another person comes and avidly rekindles the love we thought it was extinct.

As I said, I’ve loved. I’ve been loved. I’ve been in love. So far, I’ve been so obsessed with the lack of happy endings and the lost love that I end up overlooking the happiness lived along the journey. So, I’ve decided to compile some of my own untold love stories and the messages of love that were left untold, the thoughts I held back, the songs I never sung, either because I took the relationship for granted, or because I thought that finally the time for me to live true, eternal love had come and we had the eternity to do so, or just because I wasn’t given the chance to get that deep and far.

Through “The Untold Love Story Project,” I’d like to share the happy stories, the sad stories, the ones I’ve experienced first hand, the ones I’ve witnessed, and those I’ve just played in my imagination. I’d like to share also your untold love story, or that special message to your “lost love” because anyway, who has not lost a love?

You’ve dared to love…would you dare to share?
Send your story to”The Untold Love Story Project,” and who knows, we might be able to finally get that special message delivered!

Whispers of the Beloved – Rumi

I cannot sleep in your presence.
In your absence, tears prevent me.
You watch me My Beloved
On each sleepless night and
Only You see the difference

Looking at my life
I see that only Love
Has been my soul’s companion
From deep inside
My soul cries out:
Do not wait, surrender
For the sake of Love.

If you can’t smell the fragrance
Don’t come into the garden of Love.
If you’re unwilling to undress
Don’t enter into the stream of Truth.
Stay where you are.
Don’t come our way.

All year round the lover is mad,
Unkempt, lovesick and in disgrace.
Without love there is nothing but grief.
In love… what else matters?

Love is our Mother and
The way of our Prophet.
Yet it is in our nature
To fight with Love.
We can’t see you, mother,
Hidden behind dark veils
Woven by ourselves.

Do you want to enter paradise?
To walk the path of Truth
You need the grace of God.
We all face death in the end.
But on the way, be careful
Never to hurt a human heart!

Do you know what the music is saying?
“Come follow me and you will find the way.
Your mistakes can also lead you to the Truth.
When you ask, the answer will be given.”

The Master who’s full of sweetness
Is so drunk with love, he’s oblivious.
“Will you give me
some of your sweetness?”
“I have none,” he says,
unaware of his richness.

You know what love is?
It is all kindness, generosity.
Disharmony prevails when
You confuse lust with love, while
The distance between the two
Is endless.

This Love is a King
But his banner is hidden.
The Koran speaks the Truth
But its miracle is concealed.
Love has pierced with its arrow
The heart of every lover.
Blood flows but the wound is invisible.


Satsang – Being with the Truth

Being with the Truth – A Weekly Gathering in Salt Lake City. I am so excited to have this new offering in the Salt Lake City area, the DEEKSHA MONTHLY SATSANG & POT LUCK.

Our first night at Krishna Temple will be May 30th, 2013

Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth” or, more simply, “being with the truth.”   Being in company with an assembly of persons who listen to, talk about, and assimilate the truth.    More than the words, it is a deeper experience of truth, creating a resonant field in the environment to discover our interconnected beingness and open ourselves to the fullness of life.

The last Thursday of each month we will have a topic for discussion.  We will share a teaching and open it up for reflection, discussion and assimilating the meaning of these teachings to bring them into our daily lives.

Truth is what is real, what exists. So all there is, is Truth. Whenever something increases your experience of the Truth, it opens your Heart and quiets your mind.

Conversely, whenever something,. such as a thought, fear, or judgment, limits or narrows your experience of the Truth, the Heart contracts and the mind gets busier.

We are all equally endowed with this capacity to discriminate and experience the Truth. Thus, the true teacher, or satguru, is within you, and satsang, or being with the Truth, is endless.

You have always been here in the embrace of your true nature as aware, loving space. You have always been in satsang.

Please join us at the Krishna temple for Deeksha each week on Thursday.  And for Deeksha, Satsang and potluck the last Thursday of each month to come together as a community to experience the love, joy and bliss of sharing together.

From Awakening to Oneness Newsletter- Journey to India 2013

Dr Wayne Dyer and The Art of Imagination

Be Willing to Dream
Choosing a life of greatness. ~ Dr Wayne Dyer

Powerful thoughts of Dr. Wayne Dyer and the Art of Imagination


My favorite definition of success, which I’ve cited on numerous occasions, was offered by Henry David Thoreau in the mid-19th century at Walden Pond: “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” I’ve italicized two words in Thoreau’s definition of success—dreams and imagined.

What Thoreau is saying is so important to you today. Be willing to dream, and imagine yourself becoming all that you wish to be. If you live from those imaginings, the universe will align with you in bringing all that you wish for—and even more than you imagined when you were living at an ordinary level of consciousness, or what Thoreau calls “common hours.” Keep in mind the basic axiom—all that now exists was once imagined. It follows then that what you want to exist for you in the future must now be imagined.

You’ll see as you read through these foundations for fulfilling your wishes that using your imagination involves more intensity on your part than just imagining an occasional wishful thought. You must first unlearn some of the ways that you’ve been misusing or squandering the capacity your imagination has for providing you with an unlimited ability to manifest all that you desire. Thoreau called it advancing confidently in the direction of your own dreams. Unfortunately, most of us have learned to do the opposite with our imagination, and instead regularly use it to develop mental habits of advancing in precisely the reverse direction of our highest dreams for ourselves.

In my book Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, I also address in depth how to utilize the I ams and live from your I am God awareness, beginning with your imagination. Recall that I am God doesn’t refer to your body in any way. It refers to the birthless, deathless, changeless spirit that remains in all the changing forms your body takes every moment of your temporary life here on Earth.

It is important that you recognize a few of the imagination missteps that will block you from fulfilling your unique desires. Remember that your imagination is yours and yours alone. You have the inborn capacity to use it in any way that you choose. No one else is responsible for your imagination. Anything placed in your imagination and held there ultimately becomes your reality. Read More…

Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Wayne holds a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.

Say GOOD-BYE to Limitations and Start MANIFESTING Your DREAM LIFE in 2013!

We are only 31 days away from welcoming another Year, and I imagine that just like myself, you might be already thinking about your new year’s resolution. Before we keep going, I want to encourage you to look back for a minute and see how far you’ve come this year.

If possible, grab your 2012 resolutions list and acknowledge every single one of your achievements. Sometimes we get so caught up on what we still need to achieve that we forget to celebrate our progress. Close your eyes and take a big deep breath and smile! You’ve come far, and more importantly you are once again motivated to keep moving forward.

Next, focus on those goals you’ve missed and the reason you’ve struggled to achieve them. What are the thoughts that come to your mind?

In order, to change the outcome you must change your approach and your perception of the blocks that hold you from achieving your goals. Just like Albert Einstein said,

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”

Are you aware of the beliefs that are holding you back? If not, I have good news, I have developed a signature process that allows you to tap into your subconscious to identify the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, to replace them with new, empowering beliefs. In other words, I will empower you  to make those changes you’d been struggle with for years, for once and for all. You won’t be perpetuating the same long list of new years resolutions year after year, to always get to this point were inevitably take you back to regret, disappointment and frustration.

“I began to realize how limited my thinking had been, especially about my financial situation.  I have been doing the exact same routine with money all my life and guess what?  I have been getting the same results over and over again. I felt a burning inside that I had not felt in years…

My life has changed by leaps and bounds. I am seeing manifestation of abundance everywhere I go and everything I touch.”

Anji Udy
Ogden, Utah

I know you really desire to make radical changes in your life and good news is all is possible, the bad news is that, radical changes require radical approaches; to take risks, to get out of your comfort zone and do what you’ve never done before to get what you’ve never had before. So, the question now is, are you truly ready to take charge of your life? Are you willing to embrace a new you? Are you open to more good than you’ve ever dreamed of?

If you answered yes to these questions, I want to invite you to schedule a Free Discovery Session now so you can SAY GOOD-BYE to the limitations you’ve experienced until this day, and START MANIFESTING your DREAM LIFE in 2013!


Be a Leader by Determining Your Value-Driven Direction

 Where do you want to go?

(From Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland)…
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don’t much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.
Alice: …so long as I get somewhere.
The Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.

So often small business owners get caught up in the work. The day-to-day of their business. Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth, wrote that business owners often take the roles of  the Technician, the Manager, and the Entrepreneur. The Technician is the one who does the work. If you own a hair salon, the Technician is the one cutting hair. The Manager is the one who tends to the business: marketing, bookkeeping, etc. The Entrepreneur is the one looking for the next opportunity for success. 

REFLECT: Take a look at your business. Which roles do you occupy most of the time? Technician, Manager, or Entrepreneur?

Similare to this approach, Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wrote about the difference between Leadership and Management. In the analogy of using a ladder, a Manager figures out the most efficient way to climb the ladder while a Leader makes sure the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

REFLECT: Take a look at your business. Do you spend more time trying to do things right? Or do the right things? (adapted from Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis) 

Gaining control of your direction using your values as your guide.

If you have been acting in more of the technician/manager side and less in the entrepreneur/leader side, here’s  an exercise to help you regain control of your direction.

  1. On a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. On the LEFT side, right the word “Direction” on the top of the page; on the RIGHT side, right the word “Action” on the top of the page.
  2. Under “Direction” list all of the values that your business operates within. Examples are things like “excellent customer service”, “quick turn-around”, “quality services”, “strong relationships”, “innovative products”, etc.
  3. Now draw a line from each value in the Direction side over to the Action side. For each value, list the what you need to be doing to make sure your values are met and, therefore, are moving in the direction you have chosen.

From here, you should have a very clear idea if the way you are spending you time is worthwhile or not. If you are “walking just to get somewhere” or if you have control and leadership over your business.

A change in direction is more than ok.

Over time your values may change and that’s ok! In fact, that’s the main role of the Leader is to determine the values, the direction, to ensure it is right for the company. Then the Manager figures out how to most efficiently work within the Leader’s pre-determined direction. Finally, the Technician executes the plan.

Do this exercise regularly to make sure your work reflects your values.

How about you? Which role have you been operating in most?

Using Your Personal Bucket List as a Powerful Start-up Business Technique!

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” ~ Steve Jobs

What’s on your bucket-list?

Stumped trying to find your passion-driven business? Here’s a thought…

When brainstorming a new business venture, it can be easy to become side-tracked with the money. How will I make money? Where will it come from? How can I make more money? If I set it up like this, how much money will I have made in 6 months from now? And on and on…

But what if we put our interests first and put the money last? What if we put our quest for fulfillment before our quest for money? What if we made it our goal to cross something off our bucket-list instead of making money? Here’s what that could look like…

  1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do or achieve? (Something to cross off your “Bucket-List!”)

This could be in the form of achieving a certain certification or license. Skydiving Instructor? Pilot License? Reiki Certification? Master Gardener Certification?

  1. Would the process of achieving this be fun for you?

This should be something that beyond interests you. Something that you can’t stop talking about at the dinner table, something you can’t wait to learn more!

  1. How far out of your reach is this?

If you really wanted to, could you start almost immediately? Think of the financial requirements. Consider all (legal and responsible) options for funding your dream. Think of your time requirements. Would you be able to do this while keeping your current obligations (including personal time and relationships) fulfilled?

  1. Could it make you money? (NOTE: Don’t think how could this make you money, rather could this make you money.)

Is your bucket list business be a good idea?

It is important to remember what great things can come from the unplanned – like opportunity. When was the last time you planned for a great opportunity? If you know that there is a way, but you’re not sure exactly what that is quite yet, that’s more than ok – that’s perfect!

While it certainly is important to profit from your endeavors, this exercise can be helpful in not making money your sole focus. Stop putting off your goals for ‘someday’. Brainstorming your bucket-list is fun! And brainstorming your bucket-list-business? Even better!

Don’t have a bucket list? Here’s a great way to get started!