Align – Allow – Achieve: 3 Steps to Manifesting

You can be, do and have everything you can imagine in your mind and feel in your heart. Instead of dwelling on what you do not have yet, focus your attention on what you have already manifested.

Align, Allow, Achieve: 3 Steps to Manifesting

3 steps to manifesting and becoming a powerful co-creator.

1. Align

When you align to your God-like attributes and take ownership of them you become that what you want to manifest.

2. Allow

Think about nature, your own body that is always allowing itself to be transformed and renewed effortlessly.  As you allow the energy to transform and flow through you and around you, you create more opportunities to manifest the object of your desire.

3. Achieve

Consequently, as you implement the first two steps, your  ability to manifest will increase creating a shift at a cellular level that makes the process of manifesting as easy as breathing is for you at this moment.

Practice this three-step process as often as you can. Start with little goals and rejoice in your accomplishments whether they are small or large.

Record your progress in your journal.

What We Think, We Become – Buddha

As I work with students and clients, I become more aware of the truth within these wise words, “What we think, we become.” Buddha

“Without exception, that which you give thought to is that which you begin to invite into your experience.”

~ Abraham hicks

I always emphasize the importance of aligning the vision of your desire with both, thoughts and words. This is what Innergy Alignment Mastery is about. Having a clear image of that what you want to manifest, and monitoring your thoughts as much as possible will determine your rate of success. You may notice that initially, it will take a conscious effort to avoid  giving more energy to what you don’t want to manifest in your life.

Abraham Hicks explains it this way, “When you see something you would like to experience and you say, “Yes,I would like to have that,” through your attention to it you invite it into your experience. However, when you see something that you do not want to experience and you shout, “No, no, I do not want that,” through your attention to it you invite it into your experience.”

There is always a correlation between your thoughts, words and your reality. The Law of Attraction is always at work, whether you are aware of it or not. Just as the law of gravity and many other laws. We become what we think, but have you ever wondered why is so easy to ruminate on negative thoughts? Neuroscience shows that we are wired to constantly ruminate on negative thoughts, feelings, and fantasies. Unfortunately, doubts and fears are normal -even essential – psychological processes that are hardwired into our brain’s anatomy. One side of our prefrontal cortex is a “pessimist,” a cautionary inner voice telling us to wait (procrastinate). The other side is an optimistic problem solver. Many self doubts are memories being replayed. They aren’t real, but we sometimes believe they are. These can be reduced through positive psychology training, mindfulness, and various neurocoaching strategies designed to build self-esteem and confidence.

What we think, we become Buddha
What we think, we become. Buddha

By now, you must be wondering, but how is it possible that I could be creating I  an undesirable reality? The fact that  the thoughts that create your reality aren’t clear in your consciousness, due to the gap in time between the moment when you held such thoughts and the time they manifested in your experience, makes it even more dificult to grasp.

I invite you to look back into you to keep your mind open as you read the story below from one of my clients that I will call, Nancy.

“I had been recently promoted to a managerial position, promotion that I had worked hard to achieve for a long while. At the same time, I was finally getting in touch with my true calling in life. I remember talking to some friends with excitement about my future with my new found passion. Also, how I didn’t see myself sticking with a job like the one I had that hardly provided any feeling of fulfillment in my life.

I kept performing my job duties without being fully committed to the company I worked for. I couldn’t wait to leave the place but at the same time, it was hard to let go of the position and benefits I had. Almost by the time of my next anniversary, I received the news that after a company restructure, my job position was no longer needed. I was bitter, and all I could see was myself as a victim. It was just unfair that they could do that to me and not even give me a good reason to support their decision. I knew nothing about the law of attraction and the power of our thoughts then, but as I started working with you, I realized how I had created the experience just with the thoughts and even the literal and verbal expression of my desire of “not wanting or intending to stay stuck” in that type of job.”

What has been your experience with the law of attraction? Can you pinpoint a specific experience and the thoughts that created the desired or undesired experience?

Please share your comments below or on our community facebook page now!

Lilian Llanos has worked as a healer and certified life coach for over 15 years. She brings together mindfulness techniques and brain research-based tools to show her clients how to overcome trauma, increase their self-esteem, and create greater balance, growth, and a meaningful life.  As a neurocoach, Lilian is also committed to bringing awareness and integration of science-based strategies to the healing community. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.



As Seen On


Unleash the Power of The Law of Attraction

During recent years we have heard a lot about the Law of attraction, and even though you might think that you haven’t ever practiced this law, you use the Law of Attraction on your every day life, even if you haven‘t ever heard about it.

Consciously or unconsciously, you are creating the experiences you are having in your life. So, let’s learn simple steps to manifest our desires instead of attracting more of what we don‘t want in our lives.

How does it sound? Are you willing to give it a try?

Follow these steps to unleash the  power of the Law of Attraction.

1. Express Gratitude

Express gratitude for all you have in your life including both, blessings and challenges. List as many as possible. Are you amazed yet? Life itself is a miracle.

I Am Alive!
I Live!
I Feel!
I See!
I Love!

Now, it’s time to start your own list.

I am Grateful for…

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

I assure you that the list will go on and on…

When we focus our attention in something either positive or negative we attract more of that in our lives. If you start expressing your gratitude for what you are expecting in your life, as if it were already here, you are inviting that to manifest in your life. So, let’s make a list of everything we want to accomplish. Pretend it’s already here. Close your eyes and visualize yourself reaching that ideal weight, meeting your soul mate or improving your relationship with your significant other, finding your life’s purpose, the job you have always wanted, success, prosperity, etc. Then add it to the prior “I Am Grateful for” list.

You can practice the last exercise and review your list as often as you want. Keep adding to your list. Remember, “you are entitled” to the blessings of the Universe.

The last statement takes me to the next step:

2. Recognize your Worthiness

Yes, everyone is entitled to the blessings of the Universe. We tend to doubt our worthiness, and to believe that there are many things we must do, be, or have, to deserve these blessings.

What do you need to receive abundance of health, wealth, love and joy in your life?

Remember who you are

Recognize “Who you Are” instead of “what you do” or “what you have.” You are a Loving Child of God, and as a Child of God you are entitled to Unconditional Love, Health, Abundance, Success, and wisdom.

Now stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself:

“I am a Child of God and as a Child of God I am entitled to the Unconditional Love, Health, Abundance, Success, Wisdom…” (Add to your list according to what you expect in your life and that until now you had felt you were unworthy to receive.) Then open your arms and say:

“I welcome into my life the blessings of the Universe that I am entitled to, as a Precious Child of God. I welcome Health, Love, Abundance, Success.” 

Don’t be surprised if you find resistance. Sooner that later, you will start to feel comfortable praising yourself.

3. Change Your Perception

Even after mastering the law of attraction you might experience negative issues in your life since they are part of the growth process. How can you deal with that and still have the Law of Attraction working with you instead of working against you?


Dr. Wayne Dyer says: “Change the way you look at things and the things that you look at will change.” This is a wise statement. Even though, it might sound absurd, we have chosen the experiences we needed to go through in this life to help us grow and find the way back to our source and perfect nature. So, see how those experiences shape up your character and strengthen you. Learn the lesson, practice gratitude and finally “you will change the way you look at things and  the things you look at will change.”

4. Allow

To Unleash the Power of The Law of Attraction you must trust the Universe, your worthiness, and lear how to “Be Still and Know that I am God.”

Your life will unfold in perfect order. You will have the inspired plans to accomplish your goals. The information and/or the persons you need by your side will show up at the right time so you can finally live life without limits.


As Seen On