Ignite the Fire of Creation Within: Vision board 101

We are hearing more everyday about the power of the human mind. I have devoted the last months to do a research on the power of the mind and our intrinsic abilities to manifest all that we desire. The subject is vast and deep but I’d like to focus today on the power of the vision board. Before explaining how this powerful tool contributes to the manifestation process, here is a brief description of the vision board for those who are new to this concept.

Essentially, a vision board is a collage of pictures and words that illustrate the life you want to live.

I am not explaining a step by step process to create your vision board per se, but describing in a few words how it can help you change your mindset.

  • A vision board enhances your ability to create and to hold a consistent visual image of your desired goals in your mental screen
  • It is not only a reminder of your destination but also a tool to track your accomplishments.
  • The process of creation of the vision board gives you the opportunity to infuse your projects with the passion that only you can add to make your dream a reality.
  • It helps you stay focus, motivated and committed
  • You will experience yourself as if you were already the person you want to become or had that what you are wanting to obtain, giving you a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-worth
  • As the energy gap between the possible and the reality diminishes you become a powerful magnet to success

With this being said, I’m leaving here a few tips to help you kick start or take your success a step further.

  1. Connect to your soul to determine and prioritize your goals
  2. Make a vision board that encompasses some or all areas of your life: love, career, relationships, health & fitness, friends & family, finances, creativity, personal growth and travel and fun, or create one for a specific area or goal (a new home, a change of career, etc)
  3. Charge your board with your best energy. Make the process fun and exciting
  4. Use the most appealing pictures and words that best represent both, your personality and big dreams
  5. Choose the pictures that speak to you
  6. Illustrate also emotions and states of mind (patience, strength, etc)
  7. Place your board on a place where you see it often and practice experiencing the feelings of having it all now

If you like this post and would like to learn other powerful tips based on Eastern teachings, please,  come to my next class,

Ignite the Fire of Creation: Vision Board 101. 

Crystal Cocoon Center for the Healing Arts
5582 S 1750 E
 Ogden,  Utah  84403

$ 11.00  sign up with a friend before March 17, 2012
$ 22.00 pre-resgistering before or on March 24, 2012
$ 33.00 at the Door

Date: TBA
Time: 6 pm

Imagine your Dream, Live your Purpose, Create your Happiness!

Be Kind to Yourself!

Today, be kind to yourself. Forgive your mistakes and weaknesses and embrace your own divinity and unity with God…

How can you embrace your divine nature?

Trusting God and trusting yourself. Coming to the sacred space within to access your higher wisdom.

Being always loving and forgiving.

Acknowledging that we are one with God and one with one another. If we are all one, aren’t we that other with the same flaws, yet perfect? The world teaches us to be tolerant. Tolerance is a step below love, it implies resistance or a sense of separateness. Instead of being tolerant, strive to be loving and forgiving.

Reach for the best accordingly to your divine nature!

Reiki: Hype or Help?

By Therese Droste

Neurosurgeon Clinton Miller viewed Reiki (pronounced RAY-KEY) with skepticism several years ago. But that skepticism eroded after Miller experienced the therapy himself. “I went from high personal excitation to feeling like I was floating in the ether,” says Miller.

Today, Miller prescribes Reiki for his patients. And he’s not alone. Many healthcare professionals and others are beginning to incorporate Reiki in their treatment of illnesses ranging from asthma to cancer to depression. Reiki sessions are being used for pain management, to accelerate recovery from surgery and reduce medication side effects.

Chaplain Laurie Garrett often performs Reiki on dying patients. “I strive to bring a sense of peace about the dying process and to help patients become less resistant [to death],” says Garrett, a therapist at the Institute for Health and Healing, San Francisco.

Practitioners receive the energy first, says Patricia Alandydy, who heads the Reiki program at Portsmouth (NH) Regional Hospital. The practitioner’s body then acts as a conduit for the energy to be drawn through and delivered to the recipient.

“The result is rejuvenating, rather than draining, for the practitioner,” says Alandydy. “I’m never drained of my own personal energy, because the Universal Life Force comes through me and into the person. If I’m working on someone who is highly emotional or anxious, I don’t absorb those feelings.”

The Health Benefits of Reiki
The recipient, meanwhile, generally feels a warm flow or tingling sensation in his or her body, but the feeling varies with each person, says Connie Hoy, executive director of The Reiki Alliance. “Sometimes people feel sleepy and relaxed, while others may nap through a session and wake up energized. Reiki brings about what the person’s body needs,” says Hoy.

Stephen Sinatra, a cardiologist and head of the New England Heart Center in Manchester. CT, recommends Reiki when he believes an energy block is hindering a patient’s ability to heal. An experienced Reiki practitioner can pick up on the part(s) of the body that may be blocked energetically and emotionally, he explains, which is “valuable feedback for the patient.”

Reiki advocates stress that the length of a Reiki treatment is not the issue; it is the touch that counts. Ann Ameling practices Reiki on herself daily, sometimes for just five minutes at a time to regroup during the day. The professor of Psychiatric Nursing at Yale University started practicing Reiki four years ago after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

“There is nothing like a cancer diagnosis to make you feel out of control. Reiki helped me gain personal power,” says Ameling, who feels that Reiki allows her to slow down, relax, and think positive, healthy thoughts.

Connecting with Patients
Reiki is a way for healthcare professionals to stay connected with patients, says Alandydy. Patients “feel that someone is focused solely on them, and it allows [them] to feel cared for in a hospital setting [where] they sometimes feel lonely and disconnected from all of the commotion.”At Portsmouth Hospital, a Reiki session may last 15 minutes or longer and is often offered in a preoperative care room or at the patient’s bedside. Since starting its Reiki program two years ago, Portsmouth has conducted 2,500 Reiki sessions for free. The hospital has 20 employees trained in Reiki. An additional 2,000 sessions have been provided to patients who want to continue receiving treatments at an offsite rehabilitation clinic for a small $10 donation. The hospital also offers its Reiki treatments to caregivers.

Keep reading…

Reiki Energy Medicine: Enhancing the Healing Process

By Alice Moore, RN, BS, Reiki Master

Hartford Hospital Dept.of Integrative Medicine, Hartford, CT

With increasing frequency and confidence, we speak of Energy Medicine (also known as “energy work”) as if it was a new form of therapy for our patients’ ailments. Not so. Thousands of years ago ancient cultures understood intuitively what scientific research and practitioners world-wide are confirming today about the flow (or lack of flow) of energy in the body and, how the use of energy therapies can enhance the healing process. As well known medical surveys report approximately 50% of the American public using some form of complementary or alternative therapy, “energy work” is among the ten most frequently used. Research has shown that these therapies (often called “mind-body-spirit techniques”) can help decrease anxiety, diminish pain, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate healing, whether by simply inducing the “relaxation response” (and reversing the “stress response” and subsequent impacts on the body, illness, and disease) or, by more complex mechanisms. When patients choose these options, there is often a greater sense of participation in healing and restoration of health and, patient satisfaction is often increased in the process.

It was with this understanding that Women’s Health Services at Hartford Hospital (in collaboration with Alice Moore, RN, BS, Reiki Master and Volunteer Services) began to integrate Reiki healing touch (one of the most well known forms of “energy work” ) on the inpatient gynecological surgical unit in 1997. Patients have been very pleased to be offered an option that is so relaxing and helps decrease their anxiety as well as their discomfort. Comments from patient satisfaction questionnaires include “I am so grateful for the pain relief and peacefulness I felt after the Reiki session”, “Reiki was the highlight of my day and I am so thankful to the volunteers”, and “I would highly recommend this program. I feel the Reiki (and guided imagery) helped me recover faster.”

After the tremendous success of this program, the formal Integrative Medicine Program under the direction of Dr. Molly Punzo, M.D. was developed in 2000 incorporating Reiki Pilot Programs (as well as Massage, Guided Imagery, Acupuncture, and Art for Healing) on the Cardiology, Orthopedic, Oncology, and Palliative Care units, as well as in the outpatient Cancer Center. During the pilot phase, outcome measurements were obtained from patients rating their anxiety and pain pre and post Reiki sessions.

This was also in line with JACHO’s recent focus on offering non-medicinal options for relief of anxiety and pain. More formal research is currently being proposed. Reiki has become an integral part of the traditional medical care on these previous “pilot” units utilizing approximately 60 Reiki Volunteers trained and validated by the hospital. As the word spreads, and as the program is being expanded to other areas of the hospital, the Dept. of Integrative Medicine also receives a growing number of special requests daily.

Download the entire document from the Hartford Hospital website