Breaking Free From Addictions

Addiction Protocol

The Addiction Protocol integrates two processes, Binaural Mind Messaging (Light Frames), and PsyChi, to empower you to eliminate the emotional charge of the past addictive behavior, and also the elimination of subconscious programming that triggers a specific craving whether that is a food, drug, alcohol or smoking addiction.

The Light Frames integrates THREE Proven Mind Technologies in ONE!

zen frames

Binaural Beats Put simply, these are imbedded tones that the brain naturally follows into states of deep relaxation. Within minutes your brain reaches extraordinary levels of performance that would otherwise take years of practice to achieve. Binaural beats work by tricking the brain into hearing a phantom frequency that
isn’t really there. For example, if we play a 220 Hz carrier tone into the left ear and a 226.5 Hz carrier tone into the right ear, your brain perceives the difference between the two, which is a subtle beat frequency of 6.5 Hz, the same frequency associated with deep, meditative trances. Your brain naturally follows this frequency and you experience this meditative trance state. Binaural beats are a proven self-development tool that’s been Isochronic Tones This is the newest brainwave entrainment technology. Isochronic tones are manually created, equal intensity pulses of sound separated by an interval of silence. They turn on and off rapidly, but the speed depends on the desired brain frequency. The discrete nature of isochronic tones makes them particularly easy
Strategic Mind Messaging can help you change the way you view yourself and your life. Once you have a new image of yourself-as a healthy, happy, optimistic person-your fears and frustrations fade away and you no

The guided mind messaging audio sessions help you stop dwelling on what you don’t want while giving you laser-like focus on everything you do want, so you can have the life you’ve always dreamed of, effortlessly!

Stages of Behavioral Changes
Change is a “process involving progress through a series of stages. Being aware of where you stand in this process is an important factor to determine success.

• Pre-contemplation (Not Ready)-“People are not intending to take action in the foreseeable future, and

can be unaware that their behavior is problematic”

• Contemplation (Getting Ready)-“People are beginning to recognize that their behavior is problematic,

and start to look at the pros and cons of their continued actions”

• Preparation (Ready)-“People are intending to take action in the immediate future, and may begin taking

small steps toward behavior change”

• Action – “People have made specific overt modifications in modifying their problem behavior or in

• Maintenance – “People have been able to sustain action for a while and are working to prevent relapse”

• Termination – “Individuals have zero temptation and they are sure they will not return to their old