Say GOOD-BYE to Limitations and Start MANIFESTING Your DREAM LIFE in 2013!

We are only 31 days away from welcoming another Year, and I imagine that just like myself, you might be already thinking about your new year’s resolution. Before we keep going, I want to encourage you to look back for a minute and see how far you’ve come this year.

If possible, grab your 2012 resolutions list and acknowledge every single one of your achievements. Sometimes we get so caught up on what we still need to achieve that we forget to celebrate our progress. Close your eyes and take a big deep breath and smile! You’ve come far, and more importantly you are once again motivated to keep moving forward.

Next, focus on those goals you’ve missed and the reason you’ve struggled to achieve them. What are the thoughts that come to your mind?

In order, to change the outcome you must change your approach and your perception of the blocks that hold you from achieving your goals. Just like Albert Einstein said,

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”

Are you aware of the beliefs that are holding you back? If not, I have good news, I have developed a signature process that allows you to tap into your subconscious to identify the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, to replace them with new, empowering beliefs. In other words, I will empower you  to make those changes you’d been struggle with for years, for once and for all. You won’t be perpetuating the same long list of new years resolutions year after year, to always get to this point were inevitably take you back to regret, disappointment and frustration.

“I began to realize how limited my thinking had been, especially about my financial situation.  I have been doing the exact same routine with money all my life and guess what?  I have been getting the same results over and over again. I felt a burning inside that I had not felt in years…

My life has changed by leaps and bounds. I am seeing manifestation of abundance everywhere I go and everything I touch.”

Anji Udy
Ogden, Utah

I know you really desire to make radical changes in your life and good news is all is possible, the bad news is that, radical changes require radical approaches; to take risks, to get out of your comfort zone and do what you’ve never done before to get what you’ve never had before. So, the question now is, are you truly ready to take charge of your life? Are you willing to embrace a new you? Are you open to more good than you’ve ever dreamed of?

If you answered yes to these questions, I want to invite you to schedule a Free Discovery Session now so you can SAY GOOD-BYE to the limitations you’ve experienced until this day, and START MANIFESTING your DREAM LIFE in 2013!


Believe in Your Ability to Create Your Own Reality and Abundance!

“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”

Albert Einstein


This is such a great story! As soon as I read it, this quote by Albert Einstein popped in my mind. Anji’s experience validates this powerful principle and I thought to share it with you.

When I spoke last with Anji, I had a crystal clear insight into exactly what she needed to do to turn her financial situation around. Since then, I’ve received several texts from Anji, sharing her day to day success. The money miracles keep manifesting non-stop for Anji! But read what happened…

I have known Lilian for several years as a holistic practitioner but what always stands out, is her warm, loving, very accepting nature. Her energy is warm and safe. She appears in my life when I have needed some profound healing.

But I must say, the latest conversation I had with her was Life changing.  She is now a life coach and doing her Magnify your Purpose business.  I kept being prompted inside to get more information from her.  So I text her one day and she told we could get together and talk. I met with her at a coffee shoppe.  She said many positive and truthful statements to me. The one that rang in my ears was “Sometimes you have to do something you have never done before, to get something you have never had before. It was such a lightening bolt of clarity in my mind. I left there thinking about it constantly for days, it was as if it had created a new pathway in my brain and clicked the “on button” on. It was the conviction in her voice, her belief that what she was telling me was truth and she was already living it.

I began to realize how limited my thinking had been, especially about my financial situation.  I have been doing the exact same routine with money all my life and guess what?  I have been getting the same results over and over again. I felt a burning inside that I had not felt in years, I immediately updated my vision board, this time it was the most different board I had ever created. Usually, I carefully cut out the pieces and make the board look like an art piece.  Not this time. I ripped the pages out of magazines and newspapers, I rapidly glue them on the board. I was amazed at when it was done how it was extremely different than any board I had ever created. Part of me said oh it looks so messy and thrown together! But I just told myself “sometimes you gotta do something you have never done before, to get something you have never had before.”  It has become my mantra these last three weeks or so.

My life has changed by leaps and bounds. I am seeing manifestation of abundance everywhere I go and everything I touch. Let me tell you just a couple.

I walked out of my job I have had the last two years, last Monday and was fired. I have never had that happened before and since that day the abundance has been rolling in. ( I did something I had never done before to get something I never had before).  My ex husband was going to stop paying child support on my daughter because she turned 18, I got a text that he decided he was going to continue the support, no explanation just that he was going to continue doing it.  I started belly dance class, I went to two classes my teacher sent me a note on facebook saying, “I don’t want you to ever pay for classes this is my gift to you.”

I believe in my ability to create my own reality and abundance!

Lilian’s knowledge of how to magnify your purpose is outstanding. I know she will continue to help others grow and change their own limiting belief systems.  And, I am forever grateful for her taking the time to share what she is doing in her own life with me. When I walked out of my job I had no fear I knew I was leaving and old limiting place and walking into a whole new world. I  thank Lilian for her courage to follow and magnify her own purpose so she can help others magnify their purpose.

I feel like I left so much out, I could write a book just on since the first time you gave me reiki years ago and the treatment at the cocoon and the meeting in the coffee shoppe. I thank you with all my heart and send you all the love that I possess. I am once again ready to do God’s work. thank you for all your help.

Love Light and Laughter,

Anji Udy


Please, share your own story below. Tell us what you could do differently today that could bear a positive outcome in your life.

Living Intensely, Fearlessly and Empowered!

I am in love with my life!

Live Intensely, Fearlessly and Empowered

I can’t imagine a different way of life. I wake up every day in exhilaration to embrace a new day.

But, I’ll be honest … this hasn’t been always my story…

There was a time, not too long ago, when I had to reach to all kind of tricks to drag myself out of bed and face the dreading reality, I was stuck at a job that no longer fulfilled me and I couldn’t see the way out.

I knew there was a lot more to life than what I was experiencing.

I knew I had a mission to fulfill and special gifts to share, but I was frozen with fear. Yes, it was just plain fear, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of criticism; fear of failure and fear of making a fool of myself, and even fear of success.

Despite of my sincere desire to make a difference in the world, I didn’t have the courage to make a difference in my own world, and I just kept playing it safe in my comfort zone, blaming my circumstances and the entire world; taking a few steps forward and going right back to the same place I longed to leave for once and for all.

The Turning Point

Ironically, it took another dreadful situation, that struck me inadvertently (the possibility of having cancer), to realize that life may be either, too short or too long, to live in fear.

I realized that there is only one day to live, one day to love and to succeed, and that day is TODAY. I realized that I couldn’t wait any longer for the right opportunity to pursue my dreams. I must create the opportunities.

I can’t wait for another person to rescue me.  I must rescue myself to reconnect with the true, powerful person that I am by divine nature and birthright.

I can’t keep playing by anybody else’s rules or I won’t ever be able to play my own game.

This was an incredible shift and despite the circumstances, I felt empowered and compelled from then on, to live every minute of my life to its fullest, and to make what would be the most important decisions in my life.

I decided that no matter what happened, I would strive to keep alive the creative fire that had been re-ignited in my soul.

I would no longer run my life out of fear or settle for the ordinary because I deserve the extraordinary.

The fulfillment of my purpose was no longer dependent on my circumstances or the people that surrounded me because I was now willing to take100% responsibility for my actions, thoughts and decisions.

Most importantly, that I would invest all my time, energy and resources to pursue my dreams because I AM WORTH IT.

Wow, I was certainly, ecstatic, relieved, liberated and finally ready to live L.I.F.E (Living Intensely, Fearlessly and Empowered.)

Walking in My Own shoes or, My Purpose…

It is my belief that before we come to this existence, we choose the journey we want to experience that will free us from the limiting beliefs that we will be subjected to, once we are born and, that would most likely, prevent us from embracing our soul purpose.

So, after experiencing the joy that living a purpose bring to your life I couldn’t help but to take on the mission to help you re-discover, re-align and magnify your purpose to create a profit filled, passion-driven business that will allow you to make a difference in your life and in the world by embracing your true brilliance, boldness and beauty.

So, my question to you now is, are you ready to live intensely, fearlessly and empowered (or ready for l.i.f.e)?

I hope you are because this is the PERFECT time to live the story of your worthiness and magnificence. We only have this life, this time and space to live and, I’m determined to live it BIG and I invite YOU, wherever you are and whatever your circumstances are, to do the same.

You have the power to change your life, to overcome your circumstances, to re-create your reality and start loving life and living fearlessly but you must make a decision and take action NOW.

ALLOW yourself to dream, live, laugh, forgive, love and thrive but do it NOW and do it BIG, because this may be the only moment you and I have to do so.

How to Start Your Own Community Group

Why would you want to start your own community group?

As a business owner, it’s a great idea to start a community group for several reasons: networking, leadership, continued education, and community involvement.

For this post, let’s pretend you own a landscaping business. 🙂 Here’s how you might go about starting your own community group:

  1. What is your mission (and name)?

    Write your groups mission statement. Traditionally, a mission statement is supposed to include what your doing and for who. For example, “Our mission is to become ambassadors of vegetable gardening for our community .” The Determine your group name.
  2. What are your objectives?

    Determine what you want to achieve from this group. For example, “Our objective is to help people in our community start their own vegetable gardens.”
  3. How you will achieve your objectives?

    What will you be doing in your meeting? For example: “We will achieve our objectives by learning about all the different types of vegetable gardening (containers, hanging, low-space, low-light, square-foot, etc.) and by hosting free community vegetable gardening workshops.” This means you may be watching videos, referencing books, and going to other workshops together to enhance you own skills. You may also be using you meetings to plan the regular workshops.
  4. Where will you meet?

    You could meet in your local library’s conference room (call them to reserve it first!); at a local coffee shop; your house or someone’s from the group.
  5. When will you meet?

    Regular, pre-determined meetings are always better than planning one meeting at a time. Something like “The third Thursday of every month at 6pm” works well.
  6. Plan your first meeting.

    You need to have an agenda for your first meeting. Start with introductions – an ice breaker would be fun! Get to know each others strengths, experience and the reason they decided to come check out the group. Discuss other ways to achieve your objective. Make a list of your top three priorities to achieve in the next year. Then plan your next meeting.
  7. Market your first meeting.

    If it’s mostly people know and you want to keep it smaller, just make sure your friends know when to be there. If you want your friends to spread the word, an email is a good way to go. You can also let the faculty at your local college (in the appropriate department) know about the group and ask if they would distribute fliers to their students (or just pass along the info in another way). Of course, ask the faculty to join as well. Another good source is on your local community online calendar. Finally, your local newspaper (in the appropriate section) is another great place to advertise. You can also consider using an online service such as to market (and manage)  your group.
  8. Follow-up from your meetings.

    Pass around a sign-in sheet for each meeting. If they are new members, make sure they include their email address. Send a “thank you” email after the first meeting, remind them of the next meeting (topic and time), and any tasks that were assigned at the first meeting (like, “I’ll bring snacks, you bring drinks, and you bring your lap top!”). Ask them to forward on the email to anyone else that they think would be interested. Two days before the next meeting, send another reminder email.
    You can probably see how networking, leadership, continued education, and community involvement can all be achieved for your professional development. If you’re not sure whether or not you want to do this, start with the first three steps. If you get excited… go for it!

7 Ways LinkedIn Can Help Build Your Business

LinkedIn is one of the fastest growing business trends in the world. With an average rate of two new users per second (1), LinkedIn has over 175 million users as of August 2012.

So why jump on the band-wagon? Here’s a list of 7 reasons why having a LinkedIn page will help your business.

  1. Search Engine Optimization

    Creating a personal profile for you (or creating a Company Page for your business) will show up in  Google’s search results when people are looking for you. Yes, they may be looking for you already… but doesn’t it look better to fill the entire top 10 Google Search Results page versus only the one for your website? Your credibility (because of your visibility) increases greatly.
  2. Networking

    Why is it so important to network with colleague? Well, perhaps you are a Nutrition Coach and you network with a Personal Trainer. Next time you have a client that needs personal training, you can recommend that colleague… or, next time that personal trainer’s client needs a nutrition coach, they know exactly where to turn. Or perhaps that Personal Trainer needs a Nutrition Coach herself! Also, collaborating with colleagues is an excellent way to augment you audience. How about a Total Health Workshop (or whatever your industry is) that features you and the colleagues you have networked with? All of a sudden, it’s not just your group of regulars that show up!
  3. Professional Development

    Continued education is not just smart, it’s necessary. You must be at the top of your game at all times. This is not to say you must enroll in college, but there are tons of ways to enhance your practice. Conferences, webinars, and workshops are a great place to start. You’ll typically find announcements for these when you join Groups or follow certain Companies and check in on their updates.
  4. Information for Other Social Media Updates

    Run out of places to check for Facebook updates? Is your Twitter feed getting a little low? Simply scroll through one of your LinkedIn Groups and you are sure to find valuable information from fellow professionals. Just be sure to link to their website and give them the credit!
  5. Uniform Profiles

    It doesn’t matter is you have a $10 budget or a $10,000 budget for your website – all LinkedIn profiles are set up the same way. This is great news to you if you feel you have a less-than-inspiring website!
  6. Resume

    You may have all the background and experience in the world, but usually your website just isn’t the place to be posting your work history, skills, and education. Lucky for you… LinkedIn is exactly the place to post all these things! So be sure to post all your great experience to really make you shine 🙂
  7. Recommendations

    You can connect with your clients on LinkedIn and send them a quick request for a recommendation of your services. It only takes a moment and is easy to do. The recommendation then shows up directly on your LinkedIn profile making you quite the sought-after business-woman!

    More resources:

    Slideshow about utilizing LinkedIn to increase you company’s visibility:
    Up-toDate information about LinkedIn:
    Inforgraphic about LinkedIn users and other stats:

Are You Spinning Your Wheels? 7 Ways to Tell You’re Staying Stagnant

So here you are, again. You’re faced with a problem or issue and you’ve been at it for a while now… You always think you’re solving it, always working hard, but never getting anywhere. Does this sound familiar? If so, you may be spinning your wheels.

Here are some other signs that you need to stop to reevaluate some things before you continue:

  1. You keep switching plans or switching goals

    You have a new goal each week that you’re working towards… and with each new goal comes a new plan of action.
  2. You are feeling pretty lost

    You lack direction either because you have not determined the direction you want to take or you’re choosing not to take it.
  3. Excessive internet searching

    Google is your best friend. Or perhaps a social media site. Either way, you keep looking for answers from the World Wide Web instead of getting more introspective and meditative about your situation.
  4. You’ve stopped talking to people about your project

    You’ve told so many people so many different goals/plans that you’ve had over this time that you’ve finally stopped talking about it so that you don’t let anyone down.
  5. You justify everything

    Well, this time you’re taking this road because of this reason…. and then you stopped to take another road for this other reason… and then you decided that the first road you were on was probably best, as it turns out, so your get back on there… but then you decide to do it a bit differently because it just makes sense, right??
  6. You’re being guided by one of the “7 Deadly Sins!”

    Perhaps you’re being guided by  wrathgreedslothpridelustenvy, or gluttony?
  7. Relentless action

    When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Has it been a while since you’ve taken some time away from work during your “working hours”?

    Albert Einstein has been quoted saying “the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Take a look at your situation. Perhaps you’re spinning your wheels because you’re using the same tool that dug you into your problem (same thinking) that you are using to dig yourself out?

    What are some other ways you’ve found that you might be spinning?

Are you hiding behind social media?

Are you hiding from the world behind your business social media networks?

If so, you’re not alone. Social media makes it easy to remain faceless and voiceless in the business realm. Sometimes we hide on accident and sometimes on purpose. But it is important for your business to put aside your fears and let the world know who you are!

Looking bigger than you really are.

It’s been a common technique of “business gurus” to promote the idea of making your business look bigger than it really is. But that’s not to say that your business has to remain void of any personal interaction whatsoever. Doing so could do more harm than good.

Why does my business need my face and voice?

Time and time again it has been proven that word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective marketing there is – meaning, you have the highest conversion rate of people who you tell to them becoming a customer. And that type of marketing is contagious! Once someone hears it from you, buys it, and loves it – they are going to tell it to someone else in the same way you told it to them!

But what if my business is totally online?

Guess what? Your business is NOT totally online! YOU are a major part of your business. And I doubt you’re a cyborg! Your daily interactions, community involvement, and the things that make you human can and should be used as powerful marketing tools.

When was the last time you talked about your business to someone you know or just met? Not just what you do or what you sell, but why you do it and who your looking to help as clients. Go a bit deeper, more personal, show the world that you are the face and the voice of your online business (even if you fake it and say you are a manager and not the owner!). Keep it up, and you will surely see the rewards 🙂


7 Low-Cost Community Outreach Ideas to Show That Your Business Cares

““It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ― Mother Teresa

7 Low-Cost Community Outreach Ideas to Show That Your Business Cares

No matter your business, I’d bet there’s a way you can get involved with your community. For some of the ideas, below, I’ve given an example of industry specific suggestions… but, if you can get creative, you will see that you can do more of these than you might initially think! You’ll notice, too, that these ideas are strictly outreach-oriented – meaning, don’t expect a direct financial gain. However, you can expect an indirect financial gain AND the trust and respect of your community 🙂

  1. Host a mini-festival with other local businesses that are in your industry.

    For example, if you are in the health industry you could host a mini-health festival – a great way to network, too! For this, you would be the Event Sponsor (i.e. Business Name on all marketing materials) and possibly the Host, depending on where the event is held.
  2. Organize a 5k run/walk with your local running store. Select a local nonprofit (preferably one that makes sense to your business) to be the beneficiary of the proceeds!

    For example, if you are in the food industry you could “charge” runners canned foods to enter the race and then have your local food bank be the beneficiary.
  3. Have a booth at a local children’s event.

    Most elementary schools have Family Night Festivals once per year. Also, it’s common for City’s and County’s to host their own family-oriented events. Check with your local health department to start. Why children’s event? Because it’s easy to make children enjoy coming to your booth! Any activity should do the trick. And it doesn’t even need to be related to your business (if it can be, that’d be best, but not necessary!). Children will bring their families to your booth to do the activity, while their parents read your signage (don’t forget signs, banners, and fliers!) for more information about your business. Ideas for activities: hoola hoop-ing (and everyone gets a prize!), finger painting (make sure it’s washable!), temporary tattoos, make your own bird feeders (pine-cone + peanut butter + bird seed + a string to hang it!), ring toss (again, prizes all around!), etc.
  4. Ask a local nonprofit (preferably one that makes sense to your business) what their volunteer needs are and rally the community to get involved.

    For example, if you are in the environmental industry, you could organize a trash clean-up for your local Nature Center.
  5. Organize a community tour that fits your business.

    For example, if you are in the art industry you could organize a tour of your areas best view-points. Invite local photographers (students, professional, amateur) to take photos. (This one could be made into a regular event – in that case, check out your local community calendar or to help you organize & promote the events).
  6. Have a booth at local running (or other sporting) events – you could also sponsor an aid station and hand out water to the athletes mid-race.

    Not only will the race directors thank you for volunteering (and possible include you as a sponsor), but the runners will be thrilled to see you when you are there to hand them their refreshment! That being said, make sure your station (or your clothing) says who you are so that they remember!
  7. Be a member on a Board of Directors for a local nonprofit (this could be the most expensive option, depending on the organization).

    At the very least, if you cannot find (or get into) a local nonprofit’s Board of Directors, I would suggest becoming a member of your local Chamber of Commerce. There are many committees within Chambers that could be perfect for you and your business to have a presence in.
    Now get out there and enjoy being a member of your community!

Be a Leader by Determining Your Value-Driven Direction

 Where do you want to go?

(From Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland)…
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don’t much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.
Alice: …so long as I get somewhere.
The Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.

So often small business owners get caught up in the work. The day-to-day of their business. Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth, wrote that business owners often take the roles of  the Technician, the Manager, and the Entrepreneur. The Technician is the one who does the work. If you own a hair salon, the Technician is the one cutting hair. The Manager is the one who tends to the business: marketing, bookkeeping, etc. The Entrepreneur is the one looking for the next opportunity for success. 

REFLECT: Take a look at your business. Which roles do you occupy most of the time? Technician, Manager, or Entrepreneur?

Similare to this approach, Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wrote about the difference between Leadership and Management. In the analogy of using a ladder, a Manager figures out the most efficient way to climb the ladder while a Leader makes sure the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

REFLECT: Take a look at your business. Do you spend more time trying to do things right? Or do the right things? (adapted from Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis) 

Gaining control of your direction using your values as your guide.

If you have been acting in more of the technician/manager side and less in the entrepreneur/leader side, here’s  an exercise to help you regain control of your direction.

  1. On a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. On the LEFT side, right the word “Direction” on the top of the page; on the RIGHT side, right the word “Action” on the top of the page.
  2. Under “Direction” list all of the values that your business operates within. Examples are things like “excellent customer service”, “quick turn-around”, “quality services”, “strong relationships”, “innovative products”, etc.
  3. Now draw a line from each value in the Direction side over to the Action side. For each value, list the what you need to be doing to make sure your values are met and, therefore, are moving in the direction you have chosen.

From here, you should have a very clear idea if the way you are spending you time is worthwhile or not. If you are “walking just to get somewhere” or if you have control and leadership over your business.

A change in direction is more than ok.

Over time your values may change and that’s ok! In fact, that’s the main role of the Leader is to determine the values, the direction, to ensure it is right for the company. Then the Manager figures out how to most efficiently work within the Leader’s pre-determined direction. Finally, the Technician executes the plan.

Do this exercise regularly to make sure your work reflects your values.

How about you? Which role have you been operating in most?

Using Your Personal Bucket List as a Powerful Start-up Business Technique!

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” ~ Steve Jobs

What’s on your bucket-list?

Stumped trying to find your passion-driven business? Here’s a thought…

When brainstorming a new business venture, it can be easy to become side-tracked with the money. How will I make money? Where will it come from? How can I make more money? If I set it up like this, how much money will I have made in 6 months from now? And on and on…

But what if we put our interests first and put the money last? What if we put our quest for fulfillment before our quest for money? What if we made it our goal to cross something off our bucket-list instead of making money? Here’s what that could look like…

  1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do or achieve? (Something to cross off your “Bucket-List!”)

This could be in the form of achieving a certain certification or license. Skydiving Instructor? Pilot License? Reiki Certification? Master Gardener Certification?

  1. Would the process of achieving this be fun for you?

This should be something that beyond interests you. Something that you can’t stop talking about at the dinner table, something you can’t wait to learn more!

  1. How far out of your reach is this?

If you really wanted to, could you start almost immediately? Think of the financial requirements. Consider all (legal and responsible) options for funding your dream. Think of your time requirements. Would you be able to do this while keeping your current obligations (including personal time and relationships) fulfilled?

  1. Could it make you money? (NOTE: Don’t think how could this make you money, rather could this make you money.)

Is your bucket list business be a good idea?

It is important to remember what great things can come from the unplanned – like opportunity. When was the last time you planned for a great opportunity? If you know that there is a way, but you’re not sure exactly what that is quite yet, that’s more than ok – that’s perfect!

While it certainly is important to profit from your endeavors, this exercise can be helpful in not making money your sole focus. Stop putting off your goals for ‘someday’. Brainstorming your bucket-list is fun! And brainstorming your bucket-list-business? Even better!

Don’t have a bucket list? Here’s a great way to get started!