Are You Aligned to Love or Fear?

Do you ever wonder if you are aligned to love or fear?

Are you struggling financially, physically or in your relationships? Every single issue you are facing is caused by the lost sense of unity with the creator, and the inability to stay aligned to the truth of who you really are. And what is that truth?

You are Spiritual and Divine Beings, and your Ultimate Purpose is to Acknowledge Your Divine Nature, Love Essence, and Perfection.

I love this great quote by Louise Hay that illustrates the wisdom we are born with. Unfortunately, this wisdom gets lost as we grow up and become influenced by the false beliefs of our loved ones, caretakers and authority figures.


And here are some examples of The NONSENSE…

You will never amount to anything!

                             I can’t have everything I want!

                                                              I’m not good enough!

                                                                                          Are you stupid?

                                                                         You can’t ever do anything right!

                                               Money is the root of all EVIL!


And we could go on and on. I heard the same statements growing up, and I’ve replayed many of that programming over and over in my life. That’s why I’ve taken on the mission to help you unlearn all that nonsense you believe to be truth so you can discern when you are aligned to love or fear, and help you stay aligned to love as much as possible.

Here’s the thing, when we are aligned to our true Divine Nature, we manifest or attract love, growth, abundance, forgiveness, expansion, life, inclusion. But, when we are not aligned to it, we are vibrating at lower frequency energies, the energy of fear, limitation, lack, resentment, stagnation, exclusion.

So a good way to assess where your energy is at, is by looking at your surroundings and what you’ve been attracting. Are you pleased with it? Whether the answer to this question is yes or no, analyze what types of thoughts and emotions have you been holding in your mind. Are you keeping yourself aligned to the energy of love, or to the energy of fear? If the results are proving that you are aligned to love, try pinpointing how can you allow yourself to stay for longer times vibrating in that energy.

If you are not satisfied with your results ask yourself what do you need to do, to avoid being stuck with the energy of fear. When I find myself leaning towards the energy of fear, whether that manifests as doubt, stress, or anger for example, I try to bring to mind a pleasant memory of times spent with people I cherish. That usually does the trick.

Now, it’s your turn to explore if you are keeping yourself aligned to love or fear, and what are the powerful tips that bring you to that place of high vibrational energy where you can manifest health, wealth and fulfillment! Please share your favorite tip on my facebook page!



Three Declarations of Love

It looks like you are going to hear me talking for a while about Thich Nhat Hanh and The Art of Power. I just find fascinating the simple but powerful principles he teaches. The three declarations of love can be the foundation to better and deeper relationships where respect, compassion and joy abound.

The First Declaration of Love ~ Darling, I am really here for you.

He calls it the most meaningful declaration of love. It is about allowing yourself to leave behind all projects, all worry and fear to give your “true presence” to your beloved, and acknowledging the precious presence of your loved one.

The Second Declaration of Love ~ Darling, I know you are there and it makes me happy.

Embracing your loved one with the energy of mindfulness to help him or her “to bloom like a flower.”

“Breathe in and out mindfully, smile, and become fully alive, fully present, then go to your beloved, look into her eyes, and say, “Darling, I know you are there, alive, and this makes me very happy. This is again, the act of recognizing the presence of your beloved.”

The Third Declaration of Love ~ Darling, I know that you suffer. That’s why I’m here for you.

When you are fully present, it becomes easier to tap into the emotions of your beloved to bring understanding and support to your relationship.

Sometimes we take our relationships for granted. We assume that our loved ones know how much we love them and that there is no need to express it often.  Let’s express our love with no other reason than to remind our loved ones that we are there for them, to support them, comfort them, and rejoice in their true presence!

And just to have some fun, here is the phrase, “I Love You” in 20 different languages. Follow this link to read the complete article, I Love You, in 20 different languages.

1. I love you in Bulgarian – Obicham te ;

2. in Belarusian – Ya tabe kahayu ;

3. in Bangla – Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi ;

4. in Cantonese Chinese – Ngo oiy ney a ;

5. I love you in Catalan – T`estimo ;

6. in Cheyenne – Ne mohotatse ;

7. in Chichewa – Ndimakukonda ;

8. in Creole – Mi aime jou ;

9. in Croatian – Volim te ;

10. I love you in Czech – Miluji te ;

11. in Danish – Jeg elsker dig ;

12. in Dutch – Ik hou van jou ;

13. in Esperanto – Mi amas vin ;

14. in Estonian – Ma armastan sind ;

15. I love you in Ethiopian – Afgreki` ;

16. in Farsi – Doset daram ;

17. in Filipino – Mahal kita ;

18. in Finnish –Mina rakastan sinua ;

19. in French – Je t`aime/ Je t`adore ;

20. I love you in German – Ich liebe dich ;

Dr Wayne Dyer and The Art of Imagination

Be Willing to Dream
Choosing a life of greatness. ~ Dr Wayne Dyer

Powerful thoughts of Dr. Wayne Dyer and the Art of Imagination


My favorite definition of success, which I’ve cited on numerous occasions, was offered by Henry David Thoreau in the mid-19th century at Walden Pond: “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” I’ve italicized two words in Thoreau’s definition of success—dreams and imagined.

What Thoreau is saying is so important to you today. Be willing to dream, and imagine yourself becoming all that you wish to be. If you live from those imaginings, the universe will align with you in bringing all that you wish for—and even more than you imagined when you were living at an ordinary level of consciousness, or what Thoreau calls “common hours.” Keep in mind the basic axiom—all that now exists was once imagined. It follows then that what you want to exist for you in the future must now be imagined.

You’ll see as you read through these foundations for fulfilling your wishes that using your imagination involves more intensity on your part than just imagining an occasional wishful thought. You must first unlearn some of the ways that you’ve been misusing or squandering the capacity your imagination has for providing you with an unlimited ability to manifest all that you desire. Thoreau called it advancing confidently in the direction of your own dreams. Unfortunately, most of us have learned to do the opposite with our imagination, and instead regularly use it to develop mental habits of advancing in precisely the reverse direction of our highest dreams for ourselves.

In my book Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, I also address in depth how to utilize the I ams and live from your I am God awareness, beginning with your imagination. Recall that I am God doesn’t refer to your body in any way. It refers to the birthless, deathless, changeless spirit that remains in all the changing forms your body takes every moment of your temporary life here on Earth.

It is important that you recognize a few of the imagination missteps that will block you from fulfilling your unique desires. Remember that your imagination is yours and yours alone. You have the inborn capacity to use it in any way that you choose. No one else is responsible for your imagination. Anything placed in your imagination and held there ultimately becomes your reality. Read More…

Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Wayne holds a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.

Mindfulness: Becoming Fully Alive in Each Moment

I’ve always said that my children are the best teachers I have in this lifetime. They’ve also taught me about the Art of Mindfulness. The lesson came  from my two year old son, Miguelangel, born with Down syndrome.

Perhaps, one of the biggest developmental challenges we’ve faced is speech delay. The challenge has turned into a blessing. Learning to communicate in a powerful and meaningful way without the use of the written or spoken words is a delight.

I must confess that it’s been difficult to adjust to his demands. He truly knows what is like to be fully present. Me on the other hand tend to let my mind go adrift often.

During the past weeks I have been immersed in the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh in the book, The Art of Power. He stresses the importance of expressing our love through mindfulness. I’ve found this practice to be freeing. As I focus on one and only one task or experience at a given time, I make better use of my time and energy. I’m more productive in my business. I feel fulfilled knowing that I’m giving the best of myself to my son right in this moment. I also express my love to him not only with words but connecting at all levels.

Thich Nhat Hanh teachings have been a remarkable source of inspiration to me. I hope that these thoughts inspire you to master the art of mindfulness as well. Here are some highlights about his perspective on love and mindfulness.

  • To love means being there for your beloved, recognizing his presence as important
  • To be there for him, you have to be there for yourself first
  • The practice of mindfulness will help you get deeply in touch with yourself
  • Mindful breathing takes you back to the joy, the beauty, the wonders of life, in and around you
  • Being in the here and now helps you recognize and transform your suffering
  • Developing self-understanding and self-love provides the foundation for understanding and loving another person
  •  Through the practice of mindful breathing, you bring your mind back to your body, you establish yourself in the here and now, you are fully present, and you can go to your loved one and say the first declaration of love, “Darling, you know, I’m here for you.”
  • Only with practice you produce your true presence
  • Mindfulness helps us know what is going on in our beloved

Here is the challenge for you, go to your beloved,  your partner, a sibling, your child, and express your love in a different way. Hold his or her hands and look into their eyes, and just allow the love to flow through you. Be aware of both, theirs and your own presence in the room. Enjoy the tactile experience of your hands and hearts coming together in a divine embrace, and then say to your beloved, “Darling, you know, I’m here for you.” 

Embrace Your Truth and Accomplish Your Deepest Desires!

Embrace Your Truth and Accomplish Your Deepest Desires!

Are you trying hard to be liked, and to be loved?

Do you wonder why even though you know there is another way, you can’t let go of it?

It is simply your ego self in action. Your Higher Self on the other hand, is wiser, self-confident, and fully aware of your self-worth.

You face a constant battle between these two forces pulling you in opposite directions. Your mind creates a story of what it thinks life should be.

Embrace Your Truth

You have the option to keep holding onto that idea, or you can make the decision to release it for once and for all. Go with the flow, feeling the love, the expansion, the infinite opportunities that present in your daily life.
Embrace your truth and accomplish your deepest desires.
 Keep your thoughts, feelings and words aligned to the only Truth. You are a Spiritual, Perfect being, and you are One with God and the world!

In this space, all is perfect. You go beyond the concepts of time and space. You rejoice in your magnificence. You feel the infinite love emanating from your heart flowing, intertwining with the divine love energy.

Choose love and peace always, and allow yourself to remain immersed and infused with the energy of love that empowers you!




If You Are Not Growing, You Are Dying!

We are welcoming a new wonderful month and I’m wondering, are you happy with your achievements, or are you stuck, getting the same old results?

What’s preventing you from expressing your greatness?

Why are you still spinning your wheels?

Is it fear of being rejected, or fear of feeling not good enough? What is your major fear? 

It is not necessary that you identify where your fear is coming from, but it is important that you decide to face and overcome the demons that keep you in a state of frustration and stagnation because what keeps you repeating the same old pattern is the fear of knowing more about your reality — and having to act on what you discover.

Once you become aware of the truth of the matter — you have a few choices to make: keep doing what you have been doing (hiding, hibernating), or do what you’ve never done before to have what you’ve never had before (changing). I know from my experience how scary and painful change can be, but remember those times when you have avoided change out of fear. Once you dared to move from thought to action how much easier the latter ended up being!

Accepting the need to make changes usually means that you’ll be required to take action to change an outcome. Are you satisfied with the outcomes in your life? If not, are you ready to take action and create a new outcome?

I can help YOU move forward and create the type of results you long for. Call me to book your free “Move Forward Now” Session or request it here!

The # 1 Time and Energy Drainer


The #1 Time and Energy Drainer

Are you one of those people who keeps on procrastinating?

Are you condemning yourself to keep longing for the dreams you are not willing to pursue?

Do you keep avoiding self-discipline?

Blame is the high price you pay when you let your life slip through your fingers without making the decision to do what it takes to follow your passion. You’ve probably found yourself in a daily basis wondering what if… What if I had done this? What if I could go back in time and take this simple action step? How much could I change?

Stop blaming yourself for what you haven’t done and decide to take action TODAY. Set priorities in your life. Get clear about your life vision and set goals that bring you closer to accomplishing them. Choose every day, activities that support both, your passion and your priorities.

Be disciplined and you will find yourself in a privileged place, striving to get to the top, to achieve success on your own terms.

Do not wait for the right time to act on your dreams! Today is the perfect day to start writing that book that’s been calling you for a while. Today is the perfect day to start that project you’ve envisioned for the longest time. Today is the perfect day to take the first step to lose weight.

Stop making excuses!

I don’t have time!

I’m too tired!

I’m too old!

I’m not smart enough!

How many days and weeks you go wasting time on tasks that have no value to you or your loved ones. How often do you review your day and find that you’ve invested your time on unimportant things! What is the price you are paying?

Take charge of your life and make every minute of it worth living but do it NOW!

Here are two simple tips to help you stop procrastinating:

  • Get Crystal Clear about the What and Why – As important as it is to know what your passion is and what you want to accomplish, it is also important to be clear about the reasons behind your goal. An easy way to get to this clarity is setting your life priorities straight and then aligning your day-to-day actions so they support those priorities.

  • Plan ahead – Take a few minutes every night to organize your agenda and choose 3 – 5 activities that will take you closer to accomplishing your projects. Highlight the activities that must be done regardless.

Things I Must Do Today To Move Forward




Following this process will also serve as a progress report. Sometimes we don’t acknowledge the progress we made because we are not keeping track of the action steps we are taking and we just beat up ourselves for what we aren’t doing.

Remember, you must become your #1 fan and cheerleader!

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish

Are you disappointed with the results (or lack of,) you’ve had this past year?

Stop there, and just turn your mistakes into learning lessons, and take time this month to get ready and open to welcome new opportunities in the coming year.

Blame is the high price you pay when you let your life slip through your fingers without making the decision to do what it takes to follow your passion. You’ve probably found yourself lately, wondering what if… What if I had done this? What if I could go back in time and take this simple action step? How much could I change?

Stop blaming yourself for what you haven’t done and decide to take action TODAY. Set priorities in your life. Get clear about your life vision and set goals that bring you closer to accomplishing them. Choose every day activities that support both, your passion and your priorities.

Be disciplined and you will find yourself in a privileged place, striving to get to the top,and to achieve success on your own terms.

Do not wait for the right time to act on your dreams. Today is the perfect day to start writing that book that’s been calling you for a while. Today is the perfect day to start that project you’ve envisioned for the longest time. Today is the perfect day to take the first step to lose weight. Stop making excuses!

A Goal Without a Plan is Just a WishI don’t have time!

I’m too tired!

I’m too old!

I’m not smart enough! Sound familiar?

How many days and weeks you go wasting time on tasks that have no value to you or your loved ones. How often do you review your day and find that you’ve invested your time on unimportant things! What is the price you are paying?

Take charge of your life and make every minute of it worth living but do it NOW!

Here are two simple tips to help you achieve your goals:

  •  Get Crystal Clear about the What and Why – As important as it is to know what your passion is and what you want to accomplish, it is also important to be clear about the reasons behind your goal. An easy way to get to this clarity is setting your life priorities straight and then aligning your day-to-day actions so they support those priorities.

Sailing ©2013



  • Plan ahead – Take a few minutes every night to organize your agenda and choose 3 – 5 activities that will take you closer to accomplishing your projects. Highlight the activities that must be done regardless.

Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Stop the cycle of frustration you go through, year after year. Study what worked and what needs to improve. If you want to get results, you must take action, take the risk of getting out of your comfort zone to achieve the results you haven’t achieved before.

“No plan. No objective. No goal. The road to anywhere is the road to nowhere, and the road to nowhere leads to dreams sacrificed, opportunities squandered, and a life unfulfilled.”

                  Thomas S. Monson

Are You Being True To Yourself?

I’ve been asking myself this question every single day for the last weeks. It is so easy to get caught up pleasing others, and as a consequence, losing sight of your own vision, values and goals.

As I’ve focused on staying true to myself, I noticed that in the past, I allowed the fear of rejection to influence my decisions regarding my career. I felt that I needed to please everyone in order to attract more people to my practice and to succeed.

Little by little, I found myself drifting away  from my true, soul purpose and original vision of my life. Luckily, I’ve been able to correct my course and reconnect to what brings meaning to my life.

And this is the main reason I am writing this message now. As the end of the year approaches, I’ve been reflecting on my ideal life vision for the New Year and as I looked back to my work, I could see how I’ve been pulled to different directions which has made me lose sight of my destination.

I feel I owe you both, my apologies and gratitude. Apologies, for having taken you to a destination different than the one I probably promised to take you to, when we first started working together, and immense gratitude for staying with me while I sailed into unknown waters. Despite of the distractions I dealt with, this has been a year of amazing breakthroughs and achievement,s and I want to acknowledge the fact that I could have not done as much without your support. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Well, that being said, as I get clearer about my vision and goals, I’d like to introduce myself to you again, so you have also a clear understanding of my offerings and what you can expect from my work and message.

I know that you are busy and your time is limited. So, Ill try to be as brief as possible on my efforts to let you know more in depth about who Lilian is, what does she stand for, and how she can help you in your journey.

Also, if my message no longer resonates with you, please feel free to unsuscribe from this newsletter. No hard feelings!

My mission is to help you reconnect and align to your true, soul purpose. This expression is usually associated with a job or career. I’ve come to realize that the ultimate soul purpose of men is, to recreate a relationship with the all-loving God within, and honor our divine nature and unity with the Creator. Once we acknowledge and align to this truth we’ll get a clear vision of our ideal life from a divine perspective where all areas of life are in focus, and all is possible. I call it, Life at Infinity (more about it in the next newsletter.)

I believe that,

  • we were created to experience Love, Joy and Fulfillment
  • there is only Love
  • Love is the beginning and end of all things
  • we are Whole and Perfect at all times, Now and Here
  • we gain a true sense of ourselves as Perfect Beings through the energy of Love
  • we are not only One with God, but, we are also One with God’s creation
  • all we need to thrive is already here
            I can help you…
  •  reclaim your divinity
  • get a clear vision of your life
  • create a plan to align your life to your soul’s purpose
  • overcome the illusion of imperfection and limitation which causes self-sabotage
  • unlock your full potential
  • make money doing what you love
  • make a difference in the world
  • tap into your innate, intuitive abilities and connect with the angelic realm and higher self for personal guidance
  • create your Life at Infinity (your life manifested from a divine perspective)
  • manifest joy, love, abundance and fulfillment in your life
            Newsletter topics
  • Unconditional Love
  • Oneness
  • Purpose
  • Mindset
  • Abundance
  • Inner wisdom
  • Intuitive guidance
  • Communicating with the angelic realm
  • Reiki Classes and Workshops
I’m looking forward to sharing more of my journey with you to empower you and to motivate you to pursue your Life at Infinity. In the meantime, I want to encourage you to ask yourself, Am I being true to myself? Am I clear about my destination? Does my life have meaning?
If you are ready to self-correct your course, please, request a free Soul-discovery Session to start creating your Life at Infinity. But, do it now, I only have a limited number of sessions available!
Love and Light,