Are You Fulfilling Your Mission?

Do you remember your first kiss? Your first love? Your first Reiki Class?

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in a room with a group of Reiki Practitioners planning our first Reiki Clinic. I loved the energy in the room. I could feel every one’s excitement and desire to serve. It was just so contagious!

When we first started we took turns to introduce ourselves and to talk about our Reiki journey. It was very touching when one of my recently attuned Reiki I students mentioned with such a strong passion and a the brigthest light on his eyes, “I’ve been a Reiki I practitioner for 14 days.” That statement took me in a flash to my first Reiki class experience. I remembered the feeling of fulfillment and purpose very deep in my heart, the peace and love that motivated me to share the gift of Reiki with my loved ones, friends and everyone willing to hear me talking about the wonders of Reiki.

I knew right there that part of my mission on this earth was to spread the word of Reiki even though I didn’t have any idea about how this would happen. I want to ask you now again…do you remember your first Reiki class and attunement? Did you feel Reiki was part of your true purpose or that it could lead you to get in touch to that divine mission we all have? If so, are you fulfilling your mission? Are you magnifying your purpose?

You know, there was a time when I neglected my role as a Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher. I thought I was too busy or that It wasn’t worth to invest all that time on helping others to find balance in their lives. I thought I could get away with that until I realized that once you reconnect with your true purpose there is no turn around. You may keep going on trying to quiet that voice that keeps calling you to go back to your mission. Well, it was not that easy even though I managed to make up all kind of excuses. I don’t have time! I’m not that good anyway and they can always find another practitioner! I need to dedicate my life to my newborn and family! Does it sound familiar?

I thought I could be complete without fulfilling this part of my mission but that “small voice” just got louder and louder until I finally listened. Since then, I’ve been able to recreate again that feeling of wholeness and purpose I first had with my first attunement. I’ve seen so many life changing experiences all through the gift of Reiki but even more because of my willingness to magnify my purpose.

I invite you today to allow your mind and heart to go back to that moment when you decided to start your Reiki training. What did motivate you?
How did affect your life and the lives of those who surrounded you?
Would you like to experience the same feelings when you are at service?
Would you like to keep yourself open to be a channel of the Universal Reiki Light and Energy?

I hope you want to do that or more and I hope that you are willing to help the Reiki community grow in our area and in the world. This is a perfect time to join this group. Reiki is not only growing in Utah but all over the country. More people are sharing their experiences of healing and the demand for Reiki practitioners has skyrocketed during the last years but there is still more sharing and teaching we must do to reach more souls. Are you ready to embrace Reiki again in your life? Are you willing to reconnect to your soul purpose? Are you open to becoming a vessel of the Universal Reiki Light Energy?

If your answer is yes…I can help you do just that through the Monthly Reiki Share held the third Monday of the month. If you feel called to participate, please call me at the number below!

Your family needs the gift of Reiki. Your community and the world needs you. There are “special people” waiting just for your “special” Reiki light and love.

It is your time to shine and allow others to do the same. The decision is yours!



Lilian Llanos

Reiki Master Teacher

Would you like to stay informed about future online and offline events? Go here to register!

Your Flaws are Perfect!

“Your flaws are perfect for the heart that’s meant to love you.”

That is the quote that touched my heart deeply as I watched this inspiring video. I did a quick, partial transcript of the content. You must watch and listen this video with an open heart, and please share it…Everyone needs to hear this!

I want you to smile at yourself because you are beautiful. And let nothing, nobody, no opinion tell you any different. I learned about life that most people are going to see your flaws and that’s your beauty. It’s sad but its’ true. You’re going to be imperfect to most but you will always be perfect to the heart God has for you.

There’s gonna be somebody, somewhere, at sometime that is going to find something wrong with you. But the something wrong they find it’s nothing but the something right to the heart that’s searching for you. You might be too big, or too small in their eyes but you’re the perfect size for the heart that’s meant to love you…

The first step to be unhappy in life is trying to please everybody else. People have different taste, but never let those differences make you insecure of who you are. I want you to stop spending so much time in the mirror judging yourself, critiquing yourself, bashing yourself, and I want you to start spending the rest of your days, loving and appreciating yourself. You are beautiful because God says so, and that’s all the confirmation that you need. ..

Your flaws are perfect for the heart that’s meant to love you. Find someone who accepts you for you. Never forget that. I want you to stay beautiful and I want you to keep practicing that smile. All starts with you!

Spirit is whispering. Are you listening?

Spirit is whispering. It does it always!

There is so much power in the silence, and still we are sometimes so afraid to experience it fully.

I have always cherished the solitude and the wisdom you can tap into as you quiet your mind, or at least lower the intensity of your mental chatter.

Are you taking time daily to tune into the sounds of the silence, and commune with your Higher Power and inner wisdom?

I do need this reminder so often. It is so easy to get caught up on the rush of life, and to forget our way back to that sacred place where we can truly embrace our own magnificence, and replenish and renew our spirits. I am delighted when I can remember where this sacred place is. Not a physical or tangible place, but one that you can create wherever you go because it flourishes from the depths of your heart and soul, and through a sincere intent and desire.


Spirit’s whispering, and all you have to do is stop and listen!



3 Simple Steps To Be More Productive

Are you often wishing the day had more hours?

Do you feel overworked?

Are you frustrated and overwhelmed at the end of the day by your undone tasks?

3 Simple Steps To Be More Productive

It’s time for you to start working smarter, not harder. These 3 simple steps to be more productive, will help you lighten up your daily routine to create more balance in your life, so you can enjoy the day doing what you love, whether that means working on your passion, having quality time with your loved ones, or pampering yourself.

  1. Set clear and specific goals every day
  2. Choose the activities that will take you closer to your goals and work on the ones you enjoy doing and are good at it
  3. Delegate the rest to a competent and trustworthy support team. Remember, “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.”

Whether you are a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or stay- at- home mother, these 3 simple Steps will make your days more productive and fulfilling.


Commitment: Play Big or Go Home

My first reaction while I was at Be The Change Event watching Bishop T. D. Jakes video about commitment was, hey, I’m all good. I’m a very committed person. I am committed to my family, to my purpose, to my clients, but once he kept going deeper and I decided to do an honest balance, I realized that I could still give a lot more of myself to everything I do and the people I love, which also took me to take responsibility for those areas where I’ve been wanting to get better results and I had been just blaming everything and everyone else but myself. That is how I decided that being committed is also about taking full responsibility for my achievements and/or the lack of them. I know that as I do so, I increase the chances of succeeding since the only person I can really have control over is myself.

So I made a new commitment to myself and the world, to come out of hiding, where I’ve kept myself a lot more often than I should just out of fear to make a commitment and hold myself accountable for it.

I know that I have a lot to give at all levels and I don’t do a service to anyone when I play small. I know that this is a process that includes both, failures and victories, but when I avoid taking action to avoid failing, I have already failed leaving no room or possibilities for victory. That’s why I also want to encourage you to take a look at your life now and ask yourself how committed you are to yourself, to your loved ones, to your relationships, to your career, and decide to stop playing small and make the resolution to play big instead from now on!

YES! I will remind myself that no matter the goal I set in my life I must always PLAY BIG or GO HOME! What are you willing to commit to today?

The Untold Love Story Project

Have you lost a love?
Join the untold Love Story Project! I want to hear your “untold love story” or “untold message to your lost love.” Whether your loss was due to a break up, death, challenging illness, or any other circumstances, I want to hear it.

I will keep your information anonymous if that’s what you want. It can be a poem, a love letter, lyrics to a song or short experiences. Please, post your story here or send me a private message with your story or email at

Most meaningful love stories are left untold, some with happily ever after endings(or at least we want to believe so,) but even though the rest may leave us with a bittersweet feeling, love still is, and it will always be the most powerful force that moves us. I’ve even wondered if Love is also a physical law since we are all pulled inevitably by the energy of love, as much as we are pulled to the earth by gravity.

I’ve also been pulled by this energy more than once, to my delight, or not, depending on my ability to choose to experience love, or to experience fear.

I believe Love starts growing within once we are born, or perhaps it’s just another program in our DNA. I’m not certain. It seems to me that it never dies. Relationships die but Love only lies dormant for a while, until we let our guards down and allow ourselves to be pulled again by, and to the energy of Love. Then, another person comes and avidly rekindles the love we thought it was extinct.

As I said, I’ve loved. I’ve been loved. I’ve been in love. So far, I’ve been so obsessed with the lack of happy endings and the lost love that I end up overlooking the happiness lived along the journey. So, I’ve decided to compile some of my own untold love stories and the messages of love that were left untold, the thoughts I held back, the songs I never sung, either because I took the relationship for granted, or because I thought that finally the time for me to live true, eternal love had come and we had the eternity to do so, or just because I wasn’t given the chance to get that deep and far.

Through “The Untold Love Story Project,” I’d like to share the happy stories, the sad stories, the ones I’ve experienced first hand, the ones I’ve witnessed, and those I’ve just played in my imagination. I’d like to share also your untold love story, or that special message to your “lost love” because anyway, who has not lost a love?

You’ve dared to love…would you dare to share?
Send your story to”The Untold Love Story Project,” and who knows, we might be able to finally get that special message delivered!

ILLUSIONS The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

ILLUSIONS ~ Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
by Richard Bach

ILLUSIONS The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah








1. There was a Master come
unto the earth, born in
the holy land of Indiana,
raised in the mystical
hills east of Fort Wayne.

2. The Master learned of this
world in the public schools of
Indiana, and as he grew, in his trade as a mechanic
of automobiles.

3. But the Master had learnings
from other lands and other
schools, from other lives that
he had lived. He remembered
these, and remembering became
wise and strong, so that others
saw his strength and came
to him for counsel.

4. The Master believed that he
had power to help himself
and all mankind, and as he
believed so it was for him,
so that others saw his
power and came to him to
be healed of their troubles
and their many diseases.

5. The Master believed that it
is well for any man to
think upon himself as a son
of God, and as he believed,
so it was, and the
shops and garages where he
worked became crowded and
jammed with those who sought
his learning and his touch,
and the streets outside
with those who longed only
that the shadow of his
passing might fall upon them,
and change their lives.

6. It came to pass, because
of the crowds, that the
several foremen and shop
managers bid the Master
leave his tools and go
his way, for so tightly
was he thronged that neither
he nor other mechanics had
room to work upon the

7. So it was that he went
into the countryside, and
people following began to call
him Messiah, and worker of
miracles; and as they believed,
it was so.

8. If a storm passed as
he spoke, not a raindrop
touched a listener’s head;
the last of the multitude
heard his words as clearly
as the first, no matter
lightning nor thunder in
the sky about. And always
he spoke to them in parables.

9. And he said unto them,
“within each of us lies the
power of our consent to health
and to sickness, to riches
and to poverty, to freedom
and to slavery. It is we
who control these, and
not another.”

10. A mill-man spoke and said,
“Easy words for you, Master,
for you are guided as we
are not, and need not toil
as we toil. A man has to
work for his living in
this world.”

11. The Master answered and said,
“Once there lived a village
of creatures along the bottom
of a great crystal river.

12. “The current of the river
swept silently over them
all – young and old, rich
and poor, good and evil,
the current going its own
way, knowing only its own
crystal self.

13. “Each creature in its own
manner clung tighty to the
twigs and rocks of the river
bottom, for clinging was their
way of life, and resisting
the current what each had
learned from birth.

14. “But one creature said at
last, ‘I am tired of clinging.
Though I cannot see it
with my eyes, I trust that
the current knows where it is
going. I shall let go, and
let it take me where it will. Clinging, I shall die
of boredom.’

15. “The other creatures laughed and
said, ‘Fool! Let go, and that
current you worship will throw
you tumbled and smashed
across the rocks, and you
will die quicker than boredom!’

16. “But the one heeded them
not, and taking a breath
did let go, and at once
was tumbled and smashed by
the current across the rocks.

17. “Yet in time, as the creature
refused to cling again, the
current lifted him free from
the bottom, and he was bruised
and hurt no more.

18. “And the creatures downstream, to
whom he was a stranger,
cried, ‘See a miracle! A creature
like ourselves, yet he flies!
See the Messiah, come to save
us all!’

19. “And the one carried in
the current said, ‘I am
no more Messiah than you.
The river delights to lift
us free, if only we dare
let go. Our true work is
this voyage, this adventure.

20. “But they cried the more,
‘Saviour!’ all the while clinging
to the rocks, and when they
looked again he was gone, and
they were left alone making
legends of a Saviour.”

21. And it came to pass when
he saw that the multitude
thronged him the more day on
day, tighter and closer and
fiercer than ever they had,
when he saw that they pressed
him to heal them without rest,
and feed them always with
his miracles, to learn for them
and to live their lives, he
went alone that day unto a
hilltop apart, and there he prayed.

22. And he said in his heart,
Infinite Radian Is, if it
be thy will, let this cup
pass from me, let me lay
aside this impossible task.
I cannot live the life
of one other soul, yet ten
thousand cry to me for life.
I’m sorry I allowed it all
to happen. If it be thy
will, let me go back to my
engines and my tools and
let me live as other men.

23. And a voice spoke to him on
the hilltop, a voice neither male nor female, loud nor
soft, a voice infinitely kind.
And the voice said unto him,
“Not my will, but thine be
done. For what is thy will
is mine for thee. Go thy
way as other men, and
be thou happy on the earth.”

24. And hearing, the Master was
glad, and gave thanks, and came
down from the hilltop humming
a little mechanic’s song.
And when the throng pressed
him with its woes, beseeching
him to heal for it and learn
for it and feed it nonstop
from his understanding and to
entertain it with his wonders,
he smiled upon the multitude
and said pleasantly unto them,
“I quit.”

25. For a moment the multitude
was stricken dumb with

26. And he said unto them,
“If a man told God that he
wanted most of all to help the
suffering world, no matter the
price to himself, and God
answered and told him what he
must do, should the man do
as he is told?”

27. “Of course, Master!” cried the
many. “It should be pleasure
for him to suffer the
tortures of hell itself, should
God ask for it!”

28. “No matter what those tortures,
nor how difficult the task?”

29. “Honor to be hanged, glory
to be nailed to a tree
and burned, if so be that
God has asked,” said they.

30. “And what would you do,”
the Master said unto the
multitude, “if God spoke directly
to your face and said,
would you do then?”

31. And the multitude was silent,
not a voice, not a sound
was heard upon the hillsides,
across the valleys where
they stood.

32. And the Master said unto
the silence, “In the path
of our happiness shall we
find the learning for which
we have chosen this lifetime.
So it is that I have
learned this day, and
choose to leave you now
to walk your own path,
as you please.”
33. And he went his way
through the crowds and
left them, and he
returned to the everyday
world of men and machines.

Whispers of the Beloved – Rumi

I cannot sleep in your presence.
In your absence, tears prevent me.
You watch me My Beloved
On each sleepless night and
Only You see the difference

Looking at my life
I see that only Love
Has been my soul’s companion
From deep inside
My soul cries out:
Do not wait, surrender
For the sake of Love.

If you can’t smell the fragrance
Don’t come into the garden of Love.
If you’re unwilling to undress
Don’t enter into the stream of Truth.
Stay where you are.
Don’t come our way.

All year round the lover is mad,
Unkempt, lovesick and in disgrace.
Without love there is nothing but grief.
In love… what else matters?

Love is our Mother and
The way of our Prophet.
Yet it is in our nature
To fight with Love.
We can’t see you, mother,
Hidden behind dark veils
Woven by ourselves.

Do you want to enter paradise?
To walk the path of Truth
You need the grace of God.
We all face death in the end.
But on the way, be careful
Never to hurt a human heart!

Do you know what the music is saying?
“Come follow me and you will find the way.
Your mistakes can also lead you to the Truth.
When you ask, the answer will be given.”

The Master who’s full of sweetness
Is so drunk with love, he’s oblivious.
“Will you give me
some of your sweetness?”
“I have none,” he says,
unaware of his richness.

You know what love is?
It is all kindness, generosity.
Disharmony prevails when
You confuse lust with love, while
The distance between the two
Is endless.

This Love is a King
But his banner is hidden.
The Koran speaks the Truth
But its miracle is concealed.
Love has pierced with its arrow
The heart of every lover.
Blood flows but the wound is invisible.


Satsang – Being with the Truth

Being with the Truth – A Weekly Gathering in Salt Lake City. I am so excited to have this new offering in the Salt Lake City area, the DEEKSHA MONTHLY SATSANG & POT LUCK.

Our first night at Krishna Temple will be May 30th, 2013

Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth” or, more simply, “being with the truth.”   Being in company with an assembly of persons who listen to, talk about, and assimilate the truth.    More than the words, it is a deeper experience of truth, creating a resonant field in the environment to discover our interconnected beingness and open ourselves to the fullness of life.

The last Thursday of each month we will have a topic for discussion.  We will share a teaching and open it up for reflection, discussion and assimilating the meaning of these teachings to bring them into our daily lives.

Truth is what is real, what exists. So all there is, is Truth. Whenever something increases your experience of the Truth, it opens your Heart and quiets your mind.

Conversely, whenever something,. such as a thought, fear, or judgment, limits or narrows your experience of the Truth, the Heart contracts and the mind gets busier.

We are all equally endowed with this capacity to discriminate and experience the Truth. Thus, the true teacher, or satguru, is within you, and satsang, or being with the Truth, is endless.

You have always been here in the embrace of your true nature as aware, loving space. You have always been in satsang.

Please join us at the Krishna temple for Deeksha each week on Thursday.  And for Deeksha, Satsang and potluck the last Thursday of each month to come together as a community to experience the love, joy and bliss of sharing together.

From Awakening to Oneness Newsletter- Journey to India 2013