Acupressure Points for Headache at the Sides of the Head

Acutherapy Points for Headache at the sides of the Head

Massage these Acupressure Points for Headache at the Back of the Head, at the first symptoms of pain to bring relief and to eliminate headaches.


Massage these points gently and clockwise in the order given for one minute. Repeat every ten minutes until you find relief.


You Weren’t Born to Struggle. You Were Born to Succeed.

Most of us were taught to believe that struggle is natural, and success is rare—and only comes from blood,sweat, and tears.
As children, we’re told to accept life the way it is. We learned to settle into a lifestyle that may not have been designed for us.

But, the truth lies beyond our limiting beliefs, and once you understand that,


THEN, You’ll realize that…


Post by Lilian Llanos & Magnify Your Purpose.

Ovarian Cyst Pain: My Body’s Cry for Help

Work may be loved, but when the need for rest is neglected, a cyst may result.

Dr. Northrup.

Our bodies are talking to us constantly, trying to bring our focus to the areas that need healing.  When we disregard, or neglect our body’s cry for attention, we force it to use a louder signal through symptoms that are hard to ignore, like chronic pain, and emotional distress.

I am guilty as charged!

Every time I’m in the middle of a project I promise myself I will take a break before I commit to a new one, but that hardly ever happens. I get so excited with new ideas that I just keep on going non-stop, even handling not one but two or three projects at a time.

This weekend I couldn’t neglect my body’s cry for help any longer. Long story short, I’ve been in bed for two days now with excruciating pain caused by what I believe to be an ovarian cyst. Knowing the correlation between emotions and dis-ease, I went to research the emotions behind ovarian cysts, and here are some of my findings:

As we know, there is a correlation between our emotions and disease. Unidentified and unresolved emotions are dis-eases in incubation.

Dr. Northrup says that ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer are related to our creative power in the world. Ovaries are our seat of power, creation and creativity. When we are addicted to external authority or approval, an energy dysfunction can occur.

This dis-ease blocks us from moving forward. This can happen secondary to financial, physical, or emotional abandonment.

When our ovaries need to get our attention, they can change very quickly. A large ovarian cyst can grow in a matter of days when we feel controlled or criticized by others or when we control and criticize others.

Energy blockages that create ovarian cysts can also result from stress, which might not be negative. It could be that a woman has a job she loves but is consumed by, leading to neglect of the need to rest. A cyst can result.

The following approaches are recommended to overcome ovarian cyst pain:

  • Acupressure
  • Affirmations
  • Crying
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Herbs
  • Health Care Practitioner of Choice
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki

Until I see my chiropractor/homeopath tomorrow, I will be integrating acupressure, affirmations, diet, crying (already done a lot of this), resting, and of course Reiki.


Massage the ovary reflex point shown on picture to strengthen the adrenals and restore the body to its natural rhythms of sleep, activity and rest.


When I think about the emotional/disease relationship and affirmations, Louise Hay is the first resource I think about. Louise Hay states that cysts are caused by running an old painful movie in the mind. Nursing hurts. A false growth. The affirmation she suggests for this issue is:

“The movies of my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them so. I love me.”

According to Louise Hay, issues with ovaries, represent points of creation and creativity. The corresponding affirmation is,

I am balanced in my creative flow.


I’ve received a full Reiki treatment from my husband, and I’m doing short self-treatments, integrating the affirmations stated above during the session.


Unresolved issues from the past with high emotions still affect your body today.  Give yourself permission to grieve and let go. Cry about whatever has created this block in your ovary, bless it and release it.

I know this is not the first time I’m forced to slow down to take care of my physical needs, but this time I will make sure I start scheduling more time off, to simply relax, release, and refuel, and I encourage you to do the same! I can do it now that I finished this project, lol!



It’s time to expand your zone of genius!


Emotional Freedom Technique Demonstration

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is the psychological acupressure technique I routinely use in my practice and  highly recommend to optimize your emotional health. Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing – no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body’s ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.

EFT is very easy to learn, and it will help you:

  • Remove Negative Emotions
  • Reduce Food Cravings
  • Reduce or Eliminate Pain
  • Implement Positive GoalsDr. Mercola

A Forgiveness Process


“As I forgive myself, I know that I’m forgiving all, for I am everyone and everyone is me.”

Go back as far as you can remember and take an inventory through the years.

Bring to light every person, situation, condition or experience that struck a discordant chord in consciousness. Now with a purpose of mind and with all the love you can feel in your heart, stir up the gift of forgiveness.

Forgive everyone and everything without exception. Then forgive yourself totally and continue with the forgiveness action until you feel free, clear, and clean throughout your being.

John Randolph Price

Reiki and Palliative Care: How Reiki Heals into Life and into Death

Reiki and Palliative Care: How Reiki Heals into Life and into Death

Over the past years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to help several patients right after they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Some of them come to me looking to alleviate their physical pain, and to lessen the side effects of medical treatments, but what most of them are truly desperate for is hope, emotional support while they face their fears and anxiety over the impending transition, and the reassurance that their loved ones will endure the trial.

The first experience I had with Reiki in a similar situation was while my mother battled cancer.  As my Reiki Master Teacher said it, Reiki did not only heal her into life but also into death. After ten years of health struggles, my mother was finally released of all pain. I was told, she did self-reiki treatments, as long as it was possible due to her health condition. If you know me, you’ve probably heard this story more than once, so I will let you read this time the story below as it was shared by my Reiki Master Teacher, who lovingly and unconditionally offered the emotional support we needed at the time.

I am now grateful to be able to pay it forward and bless other lives during times of physical and emotional distress, to ease the fear of the unknown of those who are leaving, and the grief and sorrow of those who are left behind.

This is the last picture I have of my mother and I during her last visit to the states.

Reiki Alicia











Dearest Friends:

Some of you were able to meet Lilian’s mother, Alicia, when Lilian brought her to *healing circle (attached is a picture).  Although only one of you was Spanish speaking, and we couldn’t communicate with Alicia, we were deeply touched by her spirit and her energy.  It demonstrates how all is reduced to energy, and if we can only appreciate that, it motivates us to get out of the head, analytical stuff.  It reminds me once when I flew to Los Angeles to hear one of my teachers teach before he departed to Australia.  He was so exhausted from his daily travels around the world that he kept falling asleep so the teaching had more depth and breadth than his words or rather, lack of words.  Being in his energy field alone was a great teaching; in fact, I’m almost glad that words didn’t get in the way.  He lifted my vibration.  I will always savor that experience rather than complain that I went to great expense to purchase a plane ticket, stay in a hotel, and also got a huge toll fine because I didn’t realize I was on a toll road.  Like my teacher, Alicia was a gift to all who experienced her energy field.  She touched our lives.

    After Alicia came to healing circle and before she departed to Colombia, Lilian brought her over to see me once again.  Lilian and I channeled Reiki for her, and then I attuned her without training because I knew she would be leaving her body soon.  Here again, I never communicated verbally with Alicia because I am not Spanish speaking.  I believed that she had courageously come here to the United States–without access to her medical care in Colombia–in order to see Lilian and her family one last time before she transitioned, and hoped that she would make it back to her home in Colombia.  We, as a Reiki community, sent energy when she was taken to the hospital after she de-planed in Florida.  Alicia and Lilian channeled Reiki the entire flight, and paramedics could not believe she lived because her blood pressure was in the mid 200’s and she had fluid around her heart. 

Lilian had wondered if her mom would take Reiki seriously or even practice but when Lilian telephoned me yesterday to tell me that her mother had died at l:00 PM she told me that from the time Alicia left my home after I attuned her nearly a month ago, she never once removed her hand from her chest.  She kept at least one hand on her chest 24-7.  What was the result of that?  Although she had cancer throughout her body and in her bones, she was pain free, optimistic, appreciative, and grateful–and she transitioned very peacefully and in a state of grace.  Not coincidentally, at the moment of her death, Lilian was here in Utah at a Hospice meeting, and a candle was being lit at 1:00 PM.  It was only after the meeting that Lilian received a phone call from Colombia that 1:00 PM was precisely when her mother had died.

I took the time to write this because it is a good example of how Reiki heals into life and heals into death.

It not only helps one heal into death but it helps to heal those who are left behind.  The night before Alicia transitioned, Lilian sent Reiki to her all night, and Lilian said it felt exactly the way it felt when her mother was physically here.  The silver lining in all of this is that it leaves Lilian committed to Hospice.

Reiki is a very gentle, non-invasive spiritual healing that is now used in a variety of ways in many hospices and hospitals across the nation.

Reiki can provide emotional support and spiritual strength for people who are in the last stages of a terminal illness.  Give yourself or a loved the gift of Reiki!

*A Reiki healing circle offers the opportunity for practitioners to gather and practice Reiki and share their gifts with the public. You may attend Lilian’s Reiki healing circle on the third Monday of the month.