Are You Being Attacked by Energy Vampires

Do you ever find yourself feeling stressed out, guilty or physically exhausted after talking or interacting in some way with certain people?


Energy VampiresThese are the type of people who are still in the victim state. In their eyes, the world is always against them. They like to go over and over every single thing that goes wrong in their lives, and also enjoy anticipating negative experiences and outcomes.

You might known also the ones who are always demanding your attention, either through positive or negative behavior. They just want to get themselves into the “limelight,” at any cost. And we could go on and on, with the blamers, the drama queens, etc.

When you find yourself in the presence of these energy vampires the best thing to do would be to walk away. But this is not always an option and this is what this article is about, having tips at your hand to protect your energy field from energy vampires.

Shield Yourself

To shield yourself, just imagine, think, or see yourself completely enveloped in whatever color light you choose. They said shields wear off and that you need to reapply them approximately every 12 hours or so. I believe in the power of intention, so I set the intention for the shield to last until the next time a repeat the process.

Here are some colors you may choose from, according to Doreen Virtue, depending upon the situation you’re in:

  • WHITE LIGHT: Good for protection against crime or physical attack. Invokes additional angels around you.
  • PINK LIGHT: The pink shield protects against negativity. Helpful in situations where you’re around negative-minded, complaining, or gossipy people, as only love can permeate a pink shield.
  • GREEN LIGHT: A physical healing shield. Use the green shield for someone who’s injured or ill.
  • PURPLE LIGHT: Psychic protection. Shields against psychic attack and entities.
  • MIRRORED BALL: When you’re feeling vulnerable, or when your chakras are open and clean, and you’re about to go into harsh energy (such as crowds of strangers or an intense business meeting, for instance), see or feel yourself stepping inside of a mirrored ball. All negative energy bounce away from the ball.
  • LEAD SHIELD: The ultimate shield against negativity whenever a battle is anticipated, or you’re feeling extra vulnerable or open. See or feel yourself completely surrounded by lightweight lead metal, which nothing can penetrate.
  • TRIPLE SHIELD: Pick three or more of the colors and layer them on top of yourself for complete protection.

I used to do this process when I felt I needed to protect myself until I had the opportunity to interview my friend and mentor Trish Withus for my last telesummit. Trish is a gifted psychic and medium. She told us a beautiful experience she had when she realized a person she was doing business with was trying to cross her energy field. She said instead of shielding or blocking herself, she focused on opening up her heart chakra and allowing the energy of love to flow outwardly, and she no longer felt vulnerable to the negative energy. Since then, I have been using the same approach. It completely makes sense to me. Darkness can’t really resist the light and love energy.

Call On Your Angels and Other Beings of Light

They are always ready and excited to assist you. Archangel Michael is the angel of protection but you can call on any other angel you feel more drawn to, including your Guardian Angels.

Set Healthy Boundaries

Let people know what do you stand for, how much you are willing to give in, give away and/or do for them, and how important it is for you to keep a good balance in your personal and work environment.

Decide Before Hand How You Will Respond…

instead of waiting to react emotionally. Have a plan of action to implement as soon a you feel you’re mood and energy is being affected by other people.

And remember Like Attracts Like. If you keep attracting these kind of people to your awareness, it may be a good time to ask yourself how you are showing up in your life in the same or similar way.Please share below what is your favorite or most powerful approach to keep Energy Vampires at bay.