Are you hiding behind social media?

Are you hiding from the world behind your business social media networks?

If so, you’re not alone. Social media makes it easy to remain faceless and voiceless in the business realm. Sometimes we hide on accident and sometimes on purpose. But it is important for your business to put aside your fears and let the world know who you are!

Looking bigger than you really are.

It’s been a common technique of “business gurus” to promote the idea of making your business look bigger than it really is. But that’s not to say that your business has to remain void of any personal interaction whatsoever. Doing so could do more harm than good.

Why does my business need my face and voice?

Time and time again it has been proven that word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective marketing there is – meaning, you have the highest conversion rate of people who you tell to them becoming a customer. And that type of marketing is contagious! Once someone hears it from you, buys it, and loves it – they are going to tell it to someone else in the same way you told it to them!

But what if my business is totally online?

Guess what? Your business is NOT totally online! YOU are a major part of your business. And I doubt you’re a cyborg! Your daily interactions, community involvement, and the things that make you human can and should be used as powerful marketing tools.

When was the last time you talked about your business to someone you know or just met? Not just what you do or what you sell, but why you do it and who your looking to help as clients. Go a bit deeper, more personal, show the world that you are the face and the voice of your online business (even if you fake it and say you are a manager and not the owner!). Keep it up, and you will surely see the rewards 🙂


2 Replies to “Are you hiding behind social media?”

  1. Stephanie, thanks for sharing your experience. I also had the same struggle and I still feel I need to keep working on it, specially on doing it more consistently.

  2. Great post Lilian! I have been guilty of this in the past. I used to be one of those who put a very generic short write-up on the “about” page of my website. And yes, sometimes I don’t speak up about the fact that I am in business and what I do. I have since learned though that being quiet and playing small does not serve my would-be clients. There is great value in what I do to help business owners and I will speak up and let them know how I can help.

    Thanks for this reminder.

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