Are You Aligned to Love or Fear?

Do you ever wonder if you are aligned to love or fear?

Are you struggling financially, physically or in your relationships? Every single issue you are facing is caused by the lost sense of unity with the creator, and the inability to stay aligned to the truth of who you really are. And what is that truth?

You are Spiritual and Divine Beings, and your Ultimate Purpose is to Acknowledge Your Divine Nature, Love Essence, and Perfection.

I love this great quote by Louise Hay that illustrates the wisdom we are born with. Unfortunately, this wisdom gets lost as we grow up and become influenced by the false beliefs of our loved ones, caretakers and authority figures.


And here are some examples of The NONSENSE…

You will never amount to anything!

                             I can’t have everything I want!

                                                              I’m not good enough!

                                                                                          Are you stupid?

                                                                         You can’t ever do anything right!

                                               Money is the root of all EVIL!


And we could go on and on. I heard the same statements growing up, and I’ve replayed many of that programming over and over in my life. That’s why I’ve taken on the mission to help you unlearn all that nonsense you believe to be truth so you can discern when you are aligned to love or fear, and help you stay aligned to love as much as possible.

Here’s the thing, when we are aligned to our true Divine Nature, we manifest or attract love, growth, abundance, forgiveness, expansion, life, inclusion. But, when we are not aligned to it, we are vibrating at lower frequency energies, the energy of fear, limitation, lack, resentment, stagnation, exclusion.

So a good way to assess where your energy is at, is by looking at your surroundings and what you’ve been attracting. Are you pleased with it? Whether the answer to this question is yes or no, analyze what types of thoughts and emotions have you been holding in your mind. Are you keeping yourself aligned to the energy of love, or to the energy of fear? If the results are proving that you are aligned to love, try pinpointing how can you allow yourself to stay for longer times vibrating in that energy.

If you are not satisfied with your results ask yourself what do you need to do, to avoid being stuck with the energy of fear. When I find myself leaning towards the energy of fear, whether that manifests as doubt, stress, or anger for example, I try to bring to mind a pleasant memory of times spent with people I cherish. That usually does the trick.

Now, it’s your turn to explore if you are keeping yourself aligned to love or fear, and what are the powerful tips that bring you to that place of high vibrational energy where you can manifest health, wealth and fulfillment! Please share your favorite tip on my facebook page!