7 Ways LinkedIn Can Help Build Your Business

LinkedIn is one of the fastest growing business trends in the world. With an average rate of two new users per second (1), LinkedIn has over 175 million users as of August 2012.

So why jump on the band-wagon? Here’s a list of 7 reasons why having a LinkedIn page will help your business.

  1. Search Engine Optimization

    Creating a personal profile for you (or creating a Company Page for your business) will show up in  Google’s search results when people are looking for you. Yes, they may be looking for you already… but doesn’t it look better to fill the entire top 10 Google Search Results page versus only the one for your website? Your credibility (because of your visibility) increases greatly.
  2. Networking

    Why is it so important to network with colleague? Well, perhaps you are a Nutrition Coach and you network with a Personal Trainer. Next time you have a client that needs personal training, you can recommend that colleague… or, next time that personal trainer’s client needs a nutrition coach, they know exactly where to turn. Or perhaps that Personal Trainer needs a Nutrition Coach herself! Also, collaborating with colleagues is an excellent way to augment you audience. How about a Total Health Workshop (or whatever your industry is) that features you and the colleagues you have networked with? All of a sudden, it’s not just your group of regulars that show up!
  3. Professional Development

    Continued education is not just smart, it’s necessary. You must be at the top of your game at all times. This is not to say you must enroll in college, but there are tons of ways to enhance your practice. Conferences, webinars, and workshops are a great place to start. You’ll typically find announcements for these when you join Groups or follow certain Companies and check in on their updates.
  4. Information for Other Social Media Updates

    Run out of places to check for Facebook updates? Is your Twitter feed getting a little low? Simply scroll through one of your LinkedIn Groups and you are sure to find valuable information from fellow professionals. Just be sure to link to their website and give them the credit!
  5. Uniform Profiles

    It doesn’t matter is you have a $10 budget or a $10,000 budget for your website – all LinkedIn profiles are set up the same way. This is great news to you if you feel you have a less-than-inspiring website!
  6. Resume

    You may have all the background and experience in the world, but usually your website just isn’t the place to be posting your work history, skills, and education. Lucky for you… LinkedIn is exactly the place to post all these things! So be sure to post all your great experience to really make you shine 🙂
  7. Recommendations

    You can connect with your clients on LinkedIn and send them a quick request for a recommendation of your services. It only takes a moment and is easy to do. The recommendation then shows up directly on your LinkedIn profile making you quite the sought-after business-woman!

    More resources:

    Slideshow about utilizing LinkedIn to increase you company’s visibility: http://www.slideshare.net/agencypja/smpp-linked-inseofinal
    Up-toDate information about LinkedIn:
    Inforgraphic about LinkedIn users and other stats:

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